The goal of this project is to incrementally add reactive support to all of Apple's Photos framework APis.
requestImage(for:targetSize:contentMode:options:resultHandler:)requestImageData(for:options:resultHandler:)requestExportSession(forVideo:options:exportPreset:resultHandler:)requestPlayerItem(forVideo:options:resultHandler:)- requestLivePhoto(for:targetSize:contentMode:options:resultHandler:)
- requestAVAsset(forVideo:options:resultHandler:)
- requestContentEditingInput(with:completionHandler)
- Xcode 10
- Swift 4.2
Tested with pod --version
: 1.1.1
In your Podfile
target "YOUR_TARGET_NAME" do
pod "PhotosRx"
and then, in the same directory, run:
pod install
Tested with carthage version
: 0.18
Add this to Cartfile
github "rpassis/PhotosRx"
In the same directory, run:
carthage update
Link/Embed frameworks as explained here. Besides linking PhotosRx
, you will also need to link RxSwift
and RxCocoa
Help is always appreciated!
git clone [email protected]:rpassis/PhotosRx.git
cd PhotosRx
Or use your own forked repo.
carthage bootstrap
This is necessary in order to be able to build the framework on its own and run tests. However, if you prefer, you can instead develop it while it's within another project.
Before submitting a PR, please make sure that the tests pass.