Here are my dot-files.
I've been managing my dot-files for a few years, and so always did everything I could to ease their management. I finally started liking the way I manage them.
My main goal is to set up a new machine quickly, and with the least human-interaction. I also want my dot-files to be portable and easily deployed on different environments.
I previously used a Makefile to manage everything, but the more I added files and configurations, the more it became uglier and uglier. A script is now available to manage and deploy them.
My dot-files work using symbolic links, and are deployed using stow.
Each folder in this repository contains an application configuration.
Within these folders, they are structured as if being located at $HOME
Here is an example with mpd
└── .config/
└── mpd/
└── mpd.conf
My dot-files are mostly self-contained, and deployed by stow
It should be available on most platforms (at least on Arch Linux).
Cloning this repository and there it is.
Note: to build fonts, Python3's
must be installed.
As my dot-files are.. mine, everything is made to match my setup.
A deployment script is available (./
Here is the usage:
-a adapt pacman to ARM architecture
-b add blackarch repository
base configs
git - mpd - neomutt - nvim - ncmpcpp - zsh - nano
sudo: pacman - nano
graphical machines
mako - sway - mpv - qutebrowser - termite - zathura - font
battery and wireless
tlp - wpa_supplicant/network-manager
remove unwanted files
on user-only machines (VM, work..)
nano - nvim - zsh
A few remarks worth reading before deployment:
- btw i use arch, a pacman configuration is deployed.
- I'm also using NetworkManager to provide Wi-Fi.
- TLP is enabled to reduce battery consumption.
Some wallpapers are available in ~/.wallpapers/
, to use one, link it to ~/.wallpaper
(without any extension).
By default, swaylock
will use ~/.wallpaper
Currently, ~/.wallpapers/
is launched, this script is inspired from amirashabani/bain's.
It displays arch logo with battery indicator as a background.
- automate arch install
- install packages on deployment
- add blackarch repo (
option) - fix pacman deployment
- clean 'nvim' config for 'minimal' profile
- in 'minimal' profile, copy 'nvim' to 'vim'
- clean this dirty 'zsh' config
- immuable and easily deployable config?
- ansible?
- vim autocmd groups depending on language?