Description: code to rasterize presence and absence of sediment plumes and algal blooms over time for the western area of Lake Superior Contact: B Steele (B dot Steele at colostate dot edu)
This repository is covered by the MIT use license. We request that all downstream uses of this work be available to the public when possible.
Note, there are two methods of authentication used for the Earth Engine workflows.
A major authentication changed in December 2023 v0.1.383, where authentication
was completed using ee.Authenticate() via python. Prior to that version, authentication
was completed using earthengine authenticate
at the command line. If you are
attempting to reproduce the code here, but have a version >= v0.1.383, you will
need to use ee.Authenticate()
instead of the command line earthengine authenticate
The Methods_Results_Summary.Rmd and associated .html summarize the methodology and results of the modeling effort.
availability_checks: scripts to document image availability for our AOI
data: contains shapefiles, labels, and model output for the repo
docs: this folder contains all files for the deployed site for this repo.
eePlumB: scripts to develop the 'Earth Engine Plume and Bloom' (eePlumB) labeling modules
modeling: scripts to work through label data, apply GTB models in GEE, and summarize output
reports: Rmd files for report generation