Playbook used to provision a ROSA instance
Playbook used to destroy a ROSA instance
Playbook used to validate the requirements for deploying ROSA
Playbook used to provision a Hub ROSA instance
Playbook used to bootstrap a Hub instance
Playbook used to provision a Spoke ROSA instance
Playbook used to bootstrap a Spoke instance
This Role creates the following:
- STS Roles and Policies required to install and support a ROSA STS Cluster
- A ROSA STS PrivateLink Cluster
- Operator Roles and Policies to operate a ROSA STS Cluster
- OIDC provider to provide trust to Roles
This playbook deletes all resources created by the rh.rosa.create role
An AWS IAM account with sufficient permissions to create a ROSA cluster [^1]
Thoroughly read and understand the Red Hat Openshift Service on AWS documentation
Complete the ROSA getting started requirements
You must complete some AWS account and local configurations to create and managed ROSA clusters.
An offline OCM token
This token is generated through the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console. The purpose of this token is to verify that you have access and permission to create and upgrade clusters. This token is unique to your account and should not be shared.
VPC and Subnets
This play assumes there has been a VPC and Subnet(s) pre-created.
The VPC and Subnet(s) must also pass a verification for egress traffic:
rosa verify network --subnet-ids "${subnet-ids}" --region="${aws_region}" --role-arn="arn:aws:iam::${aws_account}:role/${role-name}"
Variable Name | Default Value | Required | Description |
aws_access_key_id | N/A | Yes | The AWS Access Key with sufficient permissions to create a ROSSA cluster |
aws_secret_access_key | N/A | Yes | The AWS Access Key with sufficient permissions to create a ROSSA cluster |
aws_account_id | N/A | Yes | The AWS Account ID |
aws_role_name | "{{ rosa_cluster_name }}-Installer-Role" | Yes | The name of the role used for the preflight validations |
rosa_worker_nodes | 2 | Yes | The number of initial work nodes |
rosa_worker_instance_type | m5.xlarge | Yes | The EC2 instance type to use for the ROSA worker nodes |
rosa_version | "4.13.13" | Yes | The version of ROSA to deploy |
rosa_vpc_cidr | N/A | Yes | The subnet of the VPC EG |
rosa_vpc_name | N/A | Yes | The Name of the VPC as found in Tag:Name |
rosa_token | N/A | Yes | The offline OCM token |
rosa_region | "ap-southeast-2" | Yes | The AWS Region that the resources will be deployed into |
rosa_subnets | N/A | No | Details of the subnet(s) that ROSA should be deployed into. The quanity of subnets can either be 1, or greater than or equal to 3. Each subnet must have a name key, and may have id , and availbility_zone keys too. |
rosa_cluster_name | N/A | Yes | The name of the ROSA cluster |
- name: "hub-egress-private-2a"
id: "subnet-0de3d4efb7c41b5a3"
- kuberenetes.core
- cloud.terraform
Terraform Providers:
- terraform-redhat/rhcs: >= 1.4.0
- terraform-redhat/rosa-sts/aws: >=0.0.13
- hashicorp/aws: >= 3.28
You can either create your own playbook to extend the rh.rosa.create
role, or use the predefined playbook rh.rosa.deploy
Example run using predefined playbook
ansible-playbook rh.rosa.deploy_rosa -v --vault-id @prompt
It is highly recommended you place the required variables in
This will ensure the required variables are used.
Example custom playbook
# requires aws cli to be installed on the Ansible management host
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
become: false
gather_facts: false
- name: Confirm AWS credentials are valid
cmd: 'aws sts get-caller-identity'
- role: rh.rosa.create