Debt Visual is an application that accurately depicts a country’s debt. Almost everything will include links to the source, fomenting transparency.
To begin you should have the following applications installed on your local development system:
- Python >= 3.11
- pip >= 20
1. Get the project
First clone the repository from Github and switch to the new directory:
$ git clone
$ cd debt_visual
2. Set up virtual environment
Set it up as you please
3. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Pre-commit
pre-commit is used to enforce a variety of community standards. CI runs it, so it's useful to setup the pre-commit hook to catch any issues before pushing to GitHub and reset your pre-commit cache to make sure that you're starting fresh.
To install, run:
$ pre-commit clean
$ pre-commit install
5. Database Note: For simplicity, the project is currently running SQLite3
6. Migrate and create a superuser
$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser
7. Run the server
$ python runserver
8. Run tests
The project uses pytest-django for testing.
To run tests, run:
$ pytest
Coverage & Tests
To run coverage, run:
pytest --cov
To run tests & coverage, run:
coverage run -m pytest