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Gian Luigi Romita edited this page Jun 23, 2024
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- brief "cheat sheet" with common examples of how to use a shell command:
curl cheat.sh/command
- kill all python processes:
pkill -f "python"
orfor pid in $(ps -C python -o pid=); do kill -9 $pid ; done
- kill all processes for user:
pkill -u <username>
- sort Linux ‘ps’ output by memory (RAM), from high to low:
ps aux --sort -rss
- get PID from search in the process command + args:
pgrep -f "string"
- process information from PID:
ps -p $PID -o pid,vsz=MEMORY -o user,group=GROUP -o comm,args=ARGS
- debugging:
pstack <pid>
- list services:
systemctl list-units --type=service
- display CPU and IO statistics for devices and partitions (refresh every second):
iostat -x -t 1
- print out number of cores/ processors:
nproc --all
- display file status (size; access, modify and change time, etc) of a file (e.g. filename.txt):
stat filename.txt
- collect and summarize all hardware info of your machine (json output):
lshw -json >report.json
- clone permissions from source folder to destination:
chmod --reference=source destination
- find files greater than 10 MB in size and running a command on those files:
find / -size +10M -exec command {} \;
- check which file make the device busy on umount:
lsof /mnt/dir
- list all files with alphabet in its filename:
ls -l [a-z]*
- list all .sh and .py files:
ls *.{sh,py}
- empty a big directory (
):EMPTYDIR=$(mktemp -d) rsync -a --delete $EMPTYDIR/ dir_to_be_emptied/
- replace symbolic links with a deep copy of the file:
find ./ -type l -exec sh -c 'cp --remove-destination $(readlink "{}") "{}"' \;
- syncs your files to cloud storage:
- copy a large folder:
rclone copy --transfers 15 --checkers 15 --drive-chunk-size=16384 --fast-list --size-only --progress --buffer-size 500M --multi-thread-streams=20 --stats-one-line source destination
- generate ssh keys:
- copy ssh key to another hosts to login without password:
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected]
- create a ssh tunnel:
ssh -f -L 9000:targetservername:8088 [email protected] -N #-f: run in background; -L: Listen; -N: do nothing #the 9000 of your computer is now connected to the 8088 port of the targetservername through #so that you can see the content of targetservername:8088 by entering localhost:9000 from your browser.
- Tunnel all your traffic over Websocket or HTTP2 - Bypass firewalls/DPI: https://github.com/erebe/wstunnel
- Multiple jumphost config
Host myserver
HostName myserver.example.com
User virag
IdentityFile /users/virag/keys/myserver-cert.pub
ProxyJump jump
Host bastion
#Used because HostName is unreliable as IP address changes frequently
HostKeyAlias bastion.example
User external
Host jump
HostName jump.example.com
User internal
IdentityFile /users/virag/keys/jump-cert.pub
ProxyJump bastion
- add user to sudo users:
sudo usermod -a -G sudo <username>
- enable passwordless for members of group sudo:
sudo visudo
- turn off the login banner (message of the day => /etc/motd):
touch ~/.hushlogin
- use “passwd” as a database to get the information of the . It displays the username, user’s id, and folder name:
getent passwd <username>
- grep for precise string:
grep -r -w -o <string> .
- search for multiple patterns:
grep -e value1 -e value2 files
- auto start service at boot:
sudo systemctl enable application.service
- check logs:
sudo journalctl -u application.service
Modify kernel parameters at runtime.
- list all sysctl controlled parameters:
sudo sysctl -a
- persist config changes:
sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf
- check space in use:
df -h
- check inodes in use:
df -ih
- list disks:
- determine whether there is a file system on the volume:
sudo file -s /dev/sdc
. If the output shows simply data there is no file system on the device. and you must create one - create a file system on the volume:
sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/sdc
- Diff creating a patch:
diff -Nur originalfile newfile > patchfile
- Apply the patch:
patch -p1 < patchfile
. Note, the--dry-run
option can be used. - Diff compressed files:
zdiff file1.txt.gz file2.txt.gz
is associated with bzip2, andxzdiff
associated with xz - find common/differing lines:
comm -12 fileA fileB
- split file in 4G chunks
split -b 4096m CentOS7.tgz CentOS7.tgz-split-
- combine splitted file - double question marks(??) match any two-character extension in the file name:
cat CentOS7.tgz-split-?? > CentOS7.tgz
- apply command to all files
in the folder:for file in *.h; do <command> $file; done
- append 2nd column from file2 to file1:
paste <(cat file1.txt) <(cat file2.txt | awk '{ print $2}')
- print first and seventh field of every line:
awk -F: '{ print $1 $7 }' /etc/passwd
- convert all uppercase filenames to lowercase:
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
- rename using find:
find / -type f -name 'howtouselinux*' -exec mv {} {}_renamed \;
- rename all *.bak file as *.txt:
rename .bak .txt *.bak
- convert mystring to uppercase:
echo mystring | tr “[a-z]” “[A-Z]”
orecho mystring | tr “[:lower:]” “[:upper:]”
- copy file while converting characters to upper-case:
dd if=/tmp/group of=/tmp/GROUP conv=ucase
- backup device:
dd if=/dev/input/DEVICE-HERE of=/dev/OUTPUT/DEVICE-HERE bs=64K conv=noerror,sync
- remove newline:
tr --delete '\n' <input.txt >output.txt
- sleep indefinitely until a signal is received:
trap 'echo "Interrupted"; exit' INT; sleep infinity
- allocate 1GB ram:
cat /dev/zero | head -c 1G | tail
- run a command with a time limit. Example, run top for 5 seconds:
timeout 5s top
- both stdout and stderr will be dumped into /dev/null:
ls -lR /tmp >& /dev/null
- pipe string message:
printf "message\n" | cat /dev/stdin
- process substitution (which generates a file):
cat <(printf "message\n")
- pipe
to anothercommand
that prompts for confirmation:yes | command
- change the default shell to bash:
chsh -s /bin/bash
- remove CTRL+M:
sed -e "s/\r//g" file > newfile
- convert 01/02/ to JAN/FEB/:
sed -e 's/01/JAN/' -e 's/02/FEB/'
- remove lines with string, (-i) for inline:
sed "/string/d" filename
, case insensitive:sed "/string/Id" filename
- yesterday date: yesterday=$(date -v-1d +"%Y-%m-%d")
- add (180) days to date (2021-05-29) and get new date:
date -d "2021-05-29+180 days"
- get current epoch time:
date +%s
- convert a epoch time (1284763671) digit to Coordinated Universal Time:
date -ud@1284763671
- view crontab entries of current users:
crontab -l
- to add or update jobs in crontab:
crontab -e
- schedule a cron to execute at 2am daily:
0 2 * * * /bin/sh backup.sh
- schedule tasks to execute daily:
@daily /scripts/script.sh
- verify access to a running webserver on port 80:
nc -vz www.linux.com 80
- check if remote file exists:
wget --spider --timeout=10 --tries=1 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romitagl/kgraph/master/README.md
- print content to screen:
wget -qO- www.linux.com
- check process using port 9000:
sudo lsof -i:9000
- display routing table:
netstat -rn
orip -c r | column -t
- monitor network bandwidth utilization and rate estimator:
Linux Networking & Security Fundamentals Course: https://github.com/daveprowse/lnsf
sudo tcpdump -i eth0 'tcp port 8080' -nnvXSs 0
sudo tcpdump -i lo -s 65535 -A port 8080 -w /tmp/trace.cap
tcpdump -i eth0 dst platform.clickatell.com
- post data from file:
curl -X POST localhost:8080/admin/schema -d '@schema.graphql'
- authentication:
curl -u user:pass -O ftp://remote_url/file-to-download.zip
- download file (e.g. Amazon CLI):
curl -L "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
- get with parameters:
curl -G --data-urlencode "key=value" --data-urlencode "key2=value2" http://localhost:8000/endpoint
- SSL certificate problem - unable to get local issuer certificate:
export CURL_CA_BUNDLE='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
. More info at: https://curl.se/docs/sslcerts.html
- follow original filename:
wget --content-disposition $url
- extract the CA cert for a particular server:
openssl s_client -showcerts -servername server -connect server:443 > cacert.pem
type "quit", followed by the "ENTER" key - to see the data in the certificate:
openssl x509 -inform PEM -in certfile -text -out certdata
- find and replace string:
- delete all lines
- display line numbers:
set number
- enable syntax highlighting:
syntax on
- highlight the current line:
set cursorline
- yaml settings in ~/.vimrc - append the following lines:
set nu
set ic
set expandtab
set shiftwidth=2
set tabstop=2
# Create session and attach:
# Create a screen and name it 'test'
screen -S test
# Detached session foo:
screen: ^a^d
# List sessions:
screen -ls
# Attach last session:
screen -r
# Attach to session foo:
screen -r foo
# Kill session foo:
screen -r foo -X quit
# Scroll:
# Hit your screen prefix combination (C-a / control+A), then hit Escape.
# Move up/down with the arrow keys (↑ and ↓).
# Redirect output of an already running process in Screen:
# (C-a / control+A), then hit 'H'
# Store screen output for Screen:
# Ctrl+A, Shift+H
# You will then find a screen.log file under current directory.
# Create session and attach:
# Attach to session foo:
tmux attach -t foo
# Detached session foo:
# List sessions:
tmux ls
# Attach last session:
tmux attach
# Kill session foo:
tmux kill-session -t foo
# Create detached session foo:
tmux new -s foo -d
# Send command to all panes in tmux:
:setw synchronize-panes
# Some tmux pane control commands:
# Panes (splits), Press Ctrl+B, then input the following symbol:
# % horizontal split
# " vertical split
# o swap panes
# q show pane numbers
# x kill pane
# space - toggle between layouts
# Distribute Vertically (rows):
select-layout even-vertical
# or
Ctrl+b, Alt+2
# Distribute horizontally (columns):
select-layout even-horizontal
# or
Ctrl+b, Alt+1
# Scroll
Ctrl-b then \[ then you can use your normal navigation keys to scroll around.
Press q to quit scroll mode.
- Vanilla OS is an immutable and atomic Ubuntu Linux-based distribution
- Advanced Linux Programming: https://mentorembedded.github.io/advancedlinuxprogramming/alp-folder/