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React Spa Router

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Router for React applications:

  • 2 modes : hash and history
  • page animation/transition with css or js
  • activeClassName
  • route guards
  • children
  • named views
  • actions


npm i react-spa-router -S


import { Router } from 'react-spa-router';

Router & route configs

Router config Description
routes routes array
mode hash (by default) and history (html5 history).
scroll handle navigation to fragment (true by default)
Route config Description
path the path pattern ("/posts" or "posts/:id" or "/posts/:id([a-z]+)" for example)
name route name
action an action
actions an array of actions
data extra data to pass
canActivate route guards
canActivateChild route guard for children
canDeactivate route guards
redirectTo redirect to route url
children nested routes
Resolved Route Description
url full url
path path string
params params object
queryString query string
query query object
fragment fragment
matched matched Route config
Action parameters Description
route resolved route
router router
result previous action result
error previous action error / rejection

Example create routes

const routes = [
    { path: '/', action: () => viewRender(<Home />) },
    { path: '/posts', action: () => viewRender(<PostList />), canActivate: [MyGuard], canDeactivate: [MyGuard] },
    { path: '/posts/:id', action: ({ route }) => viewRender(<PostDetail id={} />) },
    { name: 'about', path: '/about', action: () => viewRender(<About />) },
        path: 'customers', action: () => viewRender(<Customers />, 'customers'),
        children: [
                path: '',
                actions: [
                    () => viewRender(<CustomerList />, 'top'),
                    () => viewRender(<CustomerDetail />, 'bottom'),
                    ({ router }) => console.log('Activate customers', router)
                path: ':id',
                actions: [
                    () => viewRender(<CustomerList />, 'top'),
                    ({ router, route }) => viewRender(<CustomerDetail id={} />, 'bottom'),
                    () => console.log('Activate customer detail')
    { path: '**', redirectTo: '/' }

An action return the previous action result (or error / rejection). Example:

const routes = [
        path: '/', actions: [
            () => 'My result',
            ({ router, route, result, error }) => console.log(router, route, result)

Chaining promises, async/ await, simple returned values ...

function doSomething() {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            resolve('result 2');
        }, 3000);

const routes = [
        path: '/', actions: [
            // with promise
            () => {
                return new Promise((resolve) => {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        resolve('result 1');
                    }, 1000);
            // with async await
            async ({ result }) => { // result 1
                return await doSomething();
            // simple result
            ({ result }) => { // result 2
                return 'result 3';
            ({ result }) => { // result 3
                return new Promise((resolve) => {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        resolve('result 4');
                    }, 1000);
            ({ result }) => console.log('Final result', result) // result 4

Lazy loading with Webpack

Create a component About that receive a background color

Use Webpack to resolve this component only when needed (dont import component) (code splitting)

const resolveAbout = cb => {
    require.ensure([], () => {


const routes = [
    { path: '/', action: () => viewRender(<Home />) },
        name: 'about', path: '/about', action: () => {
            // lazy loading
            resolveAbout((result) => {
                // default for component exported as default / or with export name + props
                let About = React.createElement(result.default, {
                    background: '#34495e'

Create a router (in App component)

class App extends React.Component<any, any> {
    constructor(props) {

        const router = new Router({
            mode: 'history',
        }).run((route) => {
            // console.log(route);
        }, (err) => {
            console.warn('error', err);

    render() {
        return (
            <div className='container'>
                        <Link tag='li' to='/' activeClassName='active'>Home</Link>
                        <Link tag='li' to='/posts' activeClassName='active'>Post list</Link>
                        <Link tag='li' to='/posts/10' activeClassName='active'>Detail</Link>
                        <Link tag='li' to={{ path: '/posts/50', query: { q: 'mysearch' }, fragment: '#section1' }} activeClassName='active' activePattern={/\/posts\/[0-9]+/}>Query+fragment and active pattern</Link>
                        <Link tag='li' to='/customers' activeClassName='active' exact={false}>Customers</Link>
                        {/* named route */}
                        <Link tag='li' to={{ name: 'about' }} activeClassName='active'>About</Link>
                <RouterView className={this.state.selectedValue} enter='navInPrev' leave='navOutPrev' enterTimeout={500} leaveTimeout={500} simultaneous={true} />
                 {/* named view*/}
                 <RouterView name='customers' />
            </div >

Base Tag

Usefull to specifiy explicitly the base path of the site.

Example (in the head of the index.html page)

<base href="">

Router Link

With path

<Link to='/'>Home</Link>
{/* with params */}
<Link to='/posts/10'>Detail</Link>
{/* with query and fragment */}
<Link to='/posts/10?q=abc&cat=10#section1'>Detail</Link>


 <Link to={{ path: '/posts/10', query: { q: 'mysearch' }, fragment: '#section1' }}>Detail</Link>

Named route

<Link to={{ name: 'about' }} activeClassName='active'>About</Link>

With params

{, i) => {
        return <article key={}>
                    <Link to={{ name: 'post-detail', params: { id: } }}>Read More</Link>


<Link to='/posts/10' activeClassName='active'>Detail</Link>
.active {
    color: orange;

exact (by default is true)

Set exact to false

<Link to='/customers' activeClassName='active' exact={false}>Customers</Link>


Allow to define a regex to check active

<Link to='/posts/10' activeClassName='active' activePattern={/\/posts\/[0-9]+/}>Detail/Link>

Wrap link into an other element (tag)

Example link will be append to a li element. The activeClassName is added to li element.

    <Link tag='li' to='/' activeClassName='active'>Home</Link>


Is the container for the "router-pages"

Default RouterView

 <RouterView />

Named RouterView

 <RouterView name='my-view' />

Change view component with "viewRender" function

viewRender(<Home />)
{/* or */}
viewRender(<Home />, 'default')

Change the content of a named view

viewRender(<Home />, 'my-view')

Navigate programmatically

// or with named route (route name, params, query, fragment)
router.navigateTo('post-list', { id :10 }, { q: 'abc', cat: 10 }, '#section1');
  • replace, replaceUrl, goBack, goForward

Animate RouterView

Example a fadeIn, fadeOut

<RouterView enter='fadeIn' enterTimeout={1000} leave='fadeOut' leaveTimeout={1000} />
@keyframes fadeIn {
    from { opacity: 0; }
    to {  opacity: 1;  }

@keyframes fadeOut {
    from {  opacity: 1; }
    to {  opacity: 0; }

.fadeIn {
    animation: 1s linear 0s fadeIn forwards;

.fadeOut {
    animation: 1s linear 0s fadeOut forwards;

.router-page {
    opacity: 0;

.router-page.current {
    opacity: 1;

Simultaneous animation

<RouterView className='fxShuffle' enter='navInPrev' leave='navOutPrev' enterTimeout={500} leaveTimeout={500} simultaneous={true} />

JavaScript animation

Control animation with beforeEach, afterEach and error callback (page not found, navigation aborted with a guard)

const router = new Router({routes}).beforeEach((next) => {
    // play animation
}).afterEach(() => {
    // play end animation

}, ()=>{
    // on error

Route Guards

Create a class

class MyGuard {
    canActivate(route, next) {
        let result = confirm('Activate?');
        next(result); // could return true | false or string redirect url
    canDeactivate(activeComponents, route, next) {
        let component = activeComponents['PostList'];
        let result = component && component.checkCanDeactivate ? component.checkCanDeactivate() : true;

Add the guard to check can activate and can deactivate a route

const routes = [
    { path: '/', action: () => viewRender(<Home />) },
    { path: '/posts', action: () => viewRender(<PostList />), canActivate: [MyGuard], canDeactivate: [MyGuard] }

Register a component with "setActiveComponent" function in order to access with the Guard

export class PostList extends React.Component<any, any> {
    constructor(props) {
        setActiveComponent('PostList', this);
    checkCanDeactivate() {
        return confirm('Deactivate?');
    render() {
        return (
            <h1>Post list</h1>


Guard children

class MyGuard {
    canActivateChild(childRoute, next) {
        let result = confirm('Activate child?');

Add guard to the parent route

const routes = [
    { path: '/', action: () => viewRender(<Home />) },
        path: 'customers', canActivateChild: [MyGuard], action: () => viewRender(<Customers />, 'customers'),
        children: [
                path: '',
                actions: [
                    ({ router }) => console.log('Activate customers', router)
                path: ':id',
                actions: [
                    ({ router, route }) => console.log('Activate customer detail', router, route)

Auth flow


class AuthGuard {
  canActivate(route, next) {
    if (auth.isLoggedin()) {
    else {
      // add a query string with the url to redirect after the user will be logged in
      next('/signin?redirect=' + route.url);


const routes = [
  { path: '/', action: () => viewRender(<Home />), canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
  // inject the router and the route to the component
  { path: '/signin', action: ({ router, route }) => viewRender(<Signin router={router} route={route} />) }

Signin component

class Signin extends Component {
  /* etc. */
  onSubmit(event) {
    const { email, password } = this.state;
    auth.login(email, password).then(() => {
      // get redirect url from query
      let redirect = this.props.route.query.redirect;
      // replace signin page in history by redirect url
  /* etc. */
export default Signin;

With Redux



import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import store from './store/store';
import App from './components/App';

import '../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import './styles/styles.css';

    <Provider store={store}>
        <App />


import React from 'react';
import { viewRender } from 'react-spa-router';

import HomePage from './components/home/HomePage';
import MoviePage from './components/movie/MoviePage';
import AboutPage from './components/about/AboutPage';

export const routes = [
    { path:'/', action: () => viewRender(<HomePage />)},
    { path: '/movie', action: () => viewRender(<MoviePage />) },
    { path: '/about', action: () => viewRender(<AboutPage />) }


import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Router, RouterView } from 'react-spa-router';
import { routes } from '../routes';

import Header from '../components/common/Header';

class App extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        const router = new Router({
            mode: 'history',
    render() {
        return (
                <Header />
                <div className="container">
                    <RouterView />
export default App;
