REST API Backend in Node.js for E-library
Deployed on:
base url:
Feel free to test it using Postman: Try GET on
- APIs using Express
- Validation using Mongoose and Joi
- Logging using Winston
- Unit and Integration test using Jest
- Persistence using MongoDB and Transaction using Fawn
- Authentication with hashed passwords and Authorization using JWT
- Configuration using config
- config - configuration for different environments
- middleware - middlewares for authentication, authorization, validation and error handling
- models - model for books, categories, customers, rentals and users
- routes - routes for apis listed above
- startup - used to load configuration, validation and routes, connect Db, enable logging and error handling
- tests - contains unit tests and integration tests
- combined.log - For logging info, warnings and error
- index.js -main file
- package.json - for installing dependencies
- Given that you have Node.js installed, download the repository.
- Using terminal, go inside ebooks-api using
cd ebooks-api
command. - Run
npm install