#authvel => Laravel Authentication
Add following line to application/bundles.php
'authvel' => array('auto' => true, 'handles' => 'auth'),
Add following to application/start.php
Laravel\Event::listen('laravel.started: authvel', function() {
Laravel\Config::set('authvel::username', 'admin');
Laravel\Config::set('authvel::password', 'secret');
Laravel\Config::set('authvel::email', '[email protected]');
Laravel\Config::set('authvel::content', 'content');
In your layout file the login forms will be posted to the content varibale.
echo $content
IF -> Next creating the Laravel migrations table if you haven't done this already
php artisan migrate:install
ELSE -> We install authvel
php artisan bundle:publish authvel
php artisan bundle:install authvel
php artisan migrate authvel
More info at:
Let's go to the bundles/authvel/views
folder and rename the sample files
You can edit the renamed files to fit your needs, they will not be overwritten when you upgrade
Finally, go to your site: ''replace the domain part with yor setup`` http://laravel.dev/auth
And login with admin:secret or what ever you specified your secret to be in the config
This part is easy, thanks to Laravel
php artisan bundle:publish authvel
php artisan bundle:upgrade authvel
Go to the bundles/authvel/views
folder and check for any upgrades to the sample files