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Authors: Ranvir Malik and ksavla01


The purpose of this program is to create a word search system given a directory
of files allows the user to look up any word and the program will produce all 
file paths, line numbers, and line where the inputted word appears. 

To run the program: 
To compile and run the program, enter "make" into the terminal and then run the
program by typing "./gerp [Directory Name]" 

Files Provided: 

gerp1.h - This file is the header file for the gerp class. It contains the
          headers of all the public member and private member functions 
          as well as the definitions of the private member variables of
          the class. It is referred to as gerp1 as it is our second implementation
          of gerp

gerp1.cpp - This file contains the implementation of the gerp class and 
            defines all the member functions declared in the header file.

main.cpp -- This file is the driver file for the whole program and tests the
            and contains the code to run gerp correctly.

stringProcessing.h -- this file is the header file for the stringProcessing
                      class. It contains the member function for the class. 

stringProcessing.cpp -- this file contains the implementation of the
                        stringProcessing class and the definition of the
                        member function of the class.

unit_tests.h - this file contains all the tests that were run
               to test the functionality of the member functions
               of the gerp, FSTree, and the stringProcessing class. 
README -- this file contains all the information about the program and any
          known bugs that exist.

Makefile -- this file compiles and links the respective files in order to 
            create an executable file and run the program. 

output.txt -- output of our gerp program when run with the
              smallGutenberg directory. 

DirNode.h -- header file for the DirNode class. These are the leaves of the FSTree which
             stores the files in the inputted directory. 

FSTree.h -- this is the header file for the FSTree class. This tree will store
            all the folders and files read in from the inputted directory. 

Architectural Overview
Starting with reading in the directory into a tree, the FSTree class uses
the DirNode class in order to create a tree with the subdirectories and
files that were in the inputted from the user's directory. From there,
we got a pointer to the root of the tree generated, which is a DirNode.
From there, we open the "shallowest files" first and then progressivley
traverse the tree in order to get to the "deepest files". We send the 
respective filepaths for files to our insert function, which opens them 
individually, reads in every word, and indexes it in our hash table. 
When we read in the individual words of each file, we used the stringProcessing 
class to strip the word of any special characters such as quotation marks, 
periods, commas, etc. The explanation of the architecture is continued in the 
data structures section

Data Structures
For this assignment, we used hashes and array lists. The structure of our
program consisted of a hashtable of structs. The struct
(which is called variation) contained a string, which held the lowercase
version of the word that was read in, and a vector
of another struct. This struct (which is called FP) contained the original 
word that was read in from the file (not the lowercase version), 
an integer which represneted an index, an integer that represented the line 
number of the line the word was found on, and a string which contained the 
file path of where the word was found. 

When each word was read in from the file, a hash value was created
for the word and the word was hashed into the main array. It was essential to
use a hash table since that data structure has the best time complexity of the
data structures we have learned. Hash tables have constant time access and when
indexing hundreds of thousands of words, that is very important. Since the
struct in the main hash table (variation) only stored the lowercase version
of the word, the vector of structs within the variation (FP) had to store the 
original version of the word in case the user wanted to perform a case sensitive
search. Essentially, the vector within the variation struct stored the various
alternate forms the word could appear within a text. For example, "am", "Am",
and "AM" would each be added to the vector for the hashed word "am".

The FP struct also stored the line number of the line where the word appeared
in the file and the filepath of the file that the word appeared in. It was 
important to store the line number where the word was found because that
stopped the program from adding duplicate filepaths for the same word
found in the same line. For example, if there was a line in a file that 
read, "I drove my car and I took the T". If the user searches the word "I",
the line should only print once instead of twice. 

The FP struct also stored an integer which represented an index for 
another array list. This array list, called "filepaths" stored the 
line where a word appeared. Everytime a word was indexed, the line the word
appeared in would be added to this vector and the index of that line would 
be stored in the FP struct with the word. This was very important to improving
the time complexity because this granted constant time access to the line 
where the word appeared in. So, when trying to find and print out where a 
certain word appeared, it was all done in constant time. When printing to the
output file, the file path, line number, and line were parsed together. 

In addition to constant time access, hashes were especially important to use
because they also have constant time when indexing/adding items. There are some
drawbacks to hashes. When implementing hashes, you have to account for
collisions. These usually occur when the program uses a poor hash value to 
index the elements. Collisions occurr when two or more elements have the same
hash value. There are two ways of dealing with collisions in hashes. One is
probing, where the element is indexed at the next empty bucket after the hash
value. In gerp, we decided to use linear probing. The other is chaining, where
each bucked in the hash is an array list. Another drawback to hashes is that, 
whenever the hash exapnds, every item in the hash needs to be rehashed with the
new table size. In our implementation, we expanded every time we got to the end
while probing.

In addition to hashes, we used arraylists to store data with the hashes in our
structs. There are several
advantages and disadvantages to an array list. One big advantage to array lists
is that array lists do not have a fixed size. However, it takes large amounts 
of memory in order to add an element in front and, in some cases, in the middle
of an array list as the whole list after the element inserted will have to be
shifted. On the other hand, finding a particular element in an array list is 
very efficient as one would just have to provide the specific index of that
element. One other disadvantage of the array list is that, at times, it may
use a large amount of memory, even though there are not that many items in 
the array list. Since our expand functions doubles the capacity of the
array, eventually, there may be many indicies of the array that exist in
memory, but do not actually hold a value in them.


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