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This module has been created to do some pre-processings on Lithium MRI. You can list all available workflows by running the following command in a command prompt:
limri --help
- Official source code repo.
- HTML documentation (stable release): WIP.
- HTML documentation (latest release).
- Release notes.
limri requires the installation of the following system packages:
- Python [>=3.6]
First make sure you have installed all the dependencies listed above. Then you can install limri by running the following command in a command prompt:
pip install -U --user limri
The easiest way to get started is to:
- browse available examples.
- refer to the list of available workflows.
- refer to the module API documentation.
If you want to contribute to limri, be sure to review the contribution guidelines.
There is no paper published yet about limri. We suggest that you aknowledge the brainprep team or reference to the code repository: Grigis, A. et al. (2023) LiMRI source code (Version 0.01) [Source code]. . Thank you.