Based on Doug Tangren's awesome original project.
So don't fork this, fork that instead.
make slideshows with markdown
inspired by the likes of showoff and slide down
(still a bit rough around the edges)
currently runs under sbts run
> sbt
run --s=/path/to/show
This will run your show at http://localhost:3000
To run a show on a specific port add the port after the path to the show
> sbt
run --s=/path/to/show --p=1234
This will run your show at http://localhost:1234
Show path resolution can default to a target directory specified in an environment variable called SHOW_HOME
> export SHOW_HOME=/path/to
> sbt
run --s=show
The directory contents of a show are expected to be in the format
Shows are configurable through a config.js
file. This file should be in json
format should include a sections key with an array of section names to render and an optional title. From the example above
> cat config.js
"title": "some show title"
"sections": [
You can leave out a section or rearrange sections but you should provide at least one.
Slides represent content that is rendered. One slide is rendered at a time and slides are ordered based on the order of configured sections mentioned above.
Slides are generated from the provided markdown (.md) files as denoted with
The example below generates 3 slides.
> cat
Slide content is by default expected in the form of markdown which will be transformed into html.
You can customize your show with css and javascript but adding a css/custom.css
or js/custom.js
/yourshow directory. The content will then be added to the shows header.
I say why not. Slideshows should be relatively portable and should not require proprietary formats to run. Slideshow presentations should be as simple as possible for an audience to understand. Software should be the same way.
doug tangren [softprops] 2010