Check out RUN_INSTRUCTIONS for steps to run.
This project demonstrates the use of the following basic technologies:
- Caching(redis)
- JSON based API calls(Flask)
- Concurrent Network requests(concurrent futures)
- Base app logic(Python)
- Unit Testing(unittest)
Here, I implement a flask web app that serves html. All dependencies are specified in requirements.txt The service will be running at
Step 1
The app loads a form with some fields for ingesting input. The form also has a SUBMIT button. To keep the app simple, we do not worry about form validation or any styling.
Step 2
When the form is submitted, 2 HTTP POST requests are made in parallel to snaptravel,com and APIs with the following request body
city : city_string_input,
checkin : checkin_string_input,
checkout : checkout_string_input,
provider : 'snaptravel' OR 'retail'
The responses will be in json and each response will have an array of hotels and prices.
id : 12,
hotel_name : 'Center Hilton',
num_reviews : 209,
address : '12 Wall Street, Very Large City',
num_stars : 4,
amenities : ['Wi-Fi', 'Parking'],
image_url : '',
price : 132.11
The app then caches these responses in the server, in whatever way that seems fit using redis.
Step 3
After both these calls have returned, we take only the hotels that appear in both the responses and return an html table with the data.