Replications files for the paper Quantity versus Quality: Household structure, number of siblings, and educational attainment in the long nineteenth century.
The data are harmonised in the qqtdata.r script. Most raw datafiles are available online:
Change the working directory to match the location of the files. The harmonised files are left in a subdirectory called cleandata. A table of overall summary statistics is created as well.
After processing the data, the analyses can be carried out in the qqtanalyses.r script. It first creates a number of plots, tables with summary statistics, and harmonised regressions, followed by all the regressions for the appendix.
The script qqtheader.r contains a number of functions used in the other two scripts.
There are a number of references to local files that are not directly accessible on the internet:
- allcliodata_raw.csv - file with all data from the clio-infra project
- comped.csv - to be published dataset on compulsory education laws.
- europeancities.csv - based xls file at the CGEH datahub