PTE-XDF is a python package for working with XDF files in electrophysiology.
It provides an interface to load and work with XDF files in MNE.
Currently, it is only tested with files that were recorded with TMSi amplifiers.
See the full documentation here.
For a quick start continue reading.
To install the latest stable release, simply type:
$ pip install pte-xdf
To install the latest development version, first clone this repository:
$ git clone
Then install with the command:
$ pip install .
import pte_xdf
fname = "my_recording.xdf"
Load a recording and use only the stream with 'stream_id' = 1.
raw = pte_xdf.read_raw_xdf(fname=fname, stream_picks=1, verbose=False)
Load a recording and use only the stream with 'name' = 'SAGA'.
raw = pte_xdf.read_raw_xdf(fname, stream_picks='SAGA', verbose=False)
Please feel free to contribute yourselves or to open an issue when you encounter a bug or to request a new feature.
For any major changes, make sure to open an issue first.
For any minor additions or bugfixes, you may simply create a pull request.
When you then create a pull request, be sure to link the pull request to the open issue in order to close the issue automatically after merging.
To contribute yourselves, create a fork of this repository and run git clone https://github_link_to_fork
as described above.
Then create a development branch from your fork.
Navigate to the folder where the repository was cloned.
From your development branch run the command:
$ pip install -e .[dev]
This will additionally install packages for development, such as black, pylint, mypy and isort.
When you have finished working on your changes, you can then create a pull request to this repository.
PTE Stats is licensed under the MIT license.