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Releases: riatelab/cartography

CRAN version

14 Sep 11:43
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Minor change

  • fix urls in documentation

CRAN version

14 Sep 09:24
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Minor change

  • fix pkg level documentation
  • add codemeta and cff
  • use bibentry() instead of citEntry()

CRAN version

04 Jan 08:15
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cartography 3.0.1

Major changes

  • Remove defunct arguments in dotdensityLayer, getBorders, getFigDim,
    getGridLayer, getOuterBorders, getTiles

minor changes

  • Move some tests to local tests

cartography 3.0.0

cartography enters in maintenance mode.

Major changes

  • Remove defunct arguments in discLayer, getGridLayer, getLinkLayer,
    gradLinkLayer, gradLinkkTypoLayer, propLinkLayer, propSymbolsLayer.
  • Remove getGridData function
  • Defunct deprecated arguments in dotDensityLayer, getBorders, getFigDim,
    getOuterBorders and getTiles
  • Deprecate getTiles

CRAN version

03 Sep 09:44
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Minor changes

  • switch to github cicd infrastructure
  • add a comment containing an WKT2 CRS representation to sp objects stored in nuts2006.RData
  • increase R minimal version to 3.5.0 (re-serialised RData)
  • correct some links (http => https, redirections...)

CRAN version

31 Aug 09:27
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Minor changes

  • mute an sp dependant warning in propTrianglesLayer (@rsbivand)
  • remove isFALSE to work with older R versions
  • bugfix in waffleLayer (@dieghernan)
  • add lwgeom to suggests to accomodate sf/lwgeom switching function, SpatialPosition.

CRAN version

06 Apr 11:03
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New features

  • getTiles(): possibility to use Thunderforest tiles with the apikey arg (@dieghernan)
  • getTiles(): new cachedir and forceDownload args to control tiles caching (@arthurgailes & @dieghernan)
  • getTiles(): possibility to use a custom tiles server (using a list in type arg)
  • barscale(): new parameter unit to plot the scalebar in kilometers, miles or meters (@arthurgailes)
  • add hatchedLayer() and legendHatched() to represent hatched layers (@dieghernan)
  • add getPngLayer() and pngLayer() to import and display png images (@dieghernan)
  • add wordcloudLayer() to display words à la wordcloud (@dieghernan)
  • add waffleLayer() and legenWaffle() to plot waffle maps (several quantitatives variables on the same map)

Minor changes

  • getTiles() gets a lot of new tiles sources (around 60) (@dieghernan)
  • bug fix in getTiles when x!=POINT & nrow(x) == 1, see #59 (thanks to @drikkes-jue)
  • tilesLayer() is enhanced with the possibility to use args from raster::plotRGB()
  • getBreaks() is now a full wrap of classIntervals + few other methods.
  • remove unused files martinique.shp

CRAN Version

30 Sep 08:29
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Minor changes

  • internaly, use sf instead of sp for hexagonal grid computation.
  • bugfix in LegendChoro() no more warning when pos = c(x,y).
  • add param to correct north arrow

CRAN Version

08 Feb 11:55
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Breaking changes

  • barscale(): automatic size by default, NULL return no scale bar;
  • layoutlayer(): FALSE, no scale bar is displayed, if set to "auto" an automatic size is used (previously was 0). 0 or NULL will display no scalebar. No default text for sources and author.

New features

  • barscale(): new position ("bottomright", "bottomleft" or c(x,y))
  • legendChoro(): horiz argument to display an horizonthal legend, border to set the
    border color of the boxes
  • choroLayer() and propSymbolsChoroLayer(): legend.horiz, legend.var2.horiz, legend.border and legend.var2.border arguments to use new legendChoro arguments.
  • layoutLayer(): horiz argument to display sources and author in verticaly in the bottomright corner (horiz = FALSE). posscale argument ("bottomright" or
    "bottomleft") for the scale bar position.
  • legend*() and relevant function: new "bottomleftextra" position for the legend. It displays the legend in the bottomleft corner with and extra padding that allows the display of sources and author with layoutLayer() without overlapping.

Minor changes

  • *typoLayer(): fix incorrect display of typo legends if legend.order is not provided.
  • getLinkLayer(): fix error when x and df ids do not perfectly match.
  • getTiles(): only suggest OSM basemap sources without API key requirement.
  • getTiles(): add source citation recommandation in getTiles()
  • small fixes on propTrianglesLayer(), gradLinkTypoLayer(), layoutLayer(), getOuterBorder(), dotDensityLayer(), labelLayer()
  • vignette: Introduction/descritpion of the package, sf bases examples and dataset description.
  • README: update
  • examples: examples are now based on sf object
  • data: addition of a GeoPackage on Martinique municipalities (descritpion on vignette), a csv on work mobilities
  • add a test suit
  • add a pkgdown website

CRAN Version

24 Sep 12:46
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Minor changes:

  • fix in getGridLayer for type ="hexagon" (sp import)
  • addition of a cheat cheat reference in vignette (new vignette with a single link)
  • Allow unprojected sf as input for getPencilLayer and prevent sampling error with a warning.
  • vignette correction (deprecated argument)

CRAN Version

27 Aug 13:50
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Minor changes:

  • rgeos is back to Imports (was actually needed for some sp <> sf transformation)
  • Add getPencilLayer function (color pencil layers)
  • small fixes to follow sf API changes (warnings with st_centroids)