Compute set of minimizers for DNA or Protein sequences.
The implementation is based on the article from Roberts et al. that first described how to determine the set of minimizers for biological sequences.
Compute the set of minimizers for DNA or Protein sequences.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE Path to a FASTA file with DNA or protein sequences.
-o OUTPUT_FILE Path to output to save results.
--of {binary,csv} Output file format. `binary` will use pickle to save
results into a binary file. `csv` will save results to
a CSV file with sequence identifiers in the first
field followed by a minimizer per field.
--k K_VALUE Value for the size of the kmers.
--w WINDOW_SIZE Window size value. Minimizers will be determined based
on groups of `w` adjacent kmers.
--p If the start position of the kmers should be returned.
--m {default,skipper}
Defines function that will be used to determine
--t THREADS Number of CPU cores/threads used to parallelize
minimizer computation.