Welcome to Edison-BLE, an open-source BLE GATT service for Intel Edison developers using Bleno.
Use SSH, screen etc, doesn't matter.
You can do this either with FileZilla or SCP or you can install Git on your Edison and pull down my repo directly. For FileZilla, go and download FileZilla and then get your Edison on the Wi-Fi network using "configure_edison --setup." Once your Edison is online, use sftp://your.edison.ip user: root password: your password. Then copy the files over. Or just SCP, doesn't matter.
On your Edison do this:
$ systemctl disable bluetoothd $ rfkill unblock bluetooth $ killall -9 bluetoothd $ hciconfig hci0 up $ node install $ node edison-ble.js
I recommend downloading the LightBlue app on your iOS phone or equivalent on your Android phone. With Android you may need to turn Blueooth off and back on again to kickstart the sucker.
Now you should be able to scan and read your Edison GATT service.