This is my FourSquare iOS SDK which helps you instantly connect and start using most major FourSquare API queries.
- v0.0.1 submitted to the master cocoapod repo
- Library project
- Library w. Tests
- Some empty folders which don't yet have content
1.) Register your instance of the UXRFourSquareNetworkingEngine:
NSString *yourClientId = @"";
NSString *yourClientSecret = @"";
NSString *yourCallbackURl = @""; //yourapp://foursquare
[UXRFourSquareNetworkingEngine registerFourSquareEngineWithClientId:yourClientId andSecret:yourClientSecret andCallBackURL:yourCallbackURl];
self.fourSquareEngine = [UXRFourSquareNetworkingEngine sharedInstance];
2.) Start making calls!
// Get Nearby taco restaurants.
NSString *locationString = @"Seattle";
NSString *query = @"tacos";
[self.fourSquareEngine exploreRestaurantsNearLocation:locationString
withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *restaurants) {
UXRFourSquareRestaurantModel *restaurantModel = (UXRFourSquareRestaurantModel *)restaurants[0];
} failureBlock:^(NSError *error) {
// Error
// Fetch a "Full" Restaurant
[self.fourSquareEngine getRestaurantWithId:@"49efb3d1f964a520f7681fe3" withCompletionBlock:^(UXRFourSquareRestaurantModel *restaurant) {
// Do stuff
} failureBlock:^(NSError *error) {
// Error.
// Download a photo
[self.fourSquareEngine getPhotosForRestaurantWithId:@"4fc7c071e4b06e4ecff8e93d"
withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *photos) {
UXRFourSquarePhotoModel *photoModel = (UXRFourSquarePhotoModel *)photos[0];
// Download the image to your image view
NSURL *fullPhotoURL = [photoModel fullPhotoURL];
// Use this URL to fetch the photo however you like to do that...
} failureBlock:^(NSError *error) {
// Error.
// Get all businesses around your location
NSString *locationString = @"Seattle";
NSString *query = @"";
[self.fourSquareEngine exploreRestaurantsNearLocation:locationString
withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *restaurants) {
UXRFourSquareRestaurantModel *restaurantModel = (UXRFourSquareRestaurantModel *)restaurants[0];
// Do stuff.
} failureBlock:^(NSError *error) {
// Error.
// Download a FourSquare Image using UXRBaseNetworkingEngine
UXRBaseNetworkingEngine * sharedEngine = [UXRBaseNetworkingEngine sharedInstance];
self.networkOperation = [sharedEngine imageAtURL:fullPhotoUrl
completionHandler:^(UIImage *fetchedImage, NSURL *fetchedURL, BOOL isInCache) {
if(url == fetchedURL){
yourImageView.image = fetchedImage;
[yourImageView setNeedsDisplay];
if(completion != nil){
} errorHandler:^(MKNetworkOperation *completedOperation, NSError *error) {
if(error != nil){
Simply add pod 'FourSquareKit' to your project's Podfile and run pod install.
- Cocoapods
- CFNetwork.framework
- ImageIO.framework
- MKNetworkKit
- More API coverage calls / fill in any missing fields on current set of models
- Eventually: OSX version
- iOS + OSX demo projects (w. image loading ideally)
- Maybe more documentation
- Refactor out "Restaurants," make it more around venues