Going through tutorials to learn blender
g - "grab" to translate
g->x - "grab" and translate in x direction
g->y - "grab" and translate in y direction
g->z - "grab" and translate in z direction
r - "rotate"
alt+g - remove "grab".. 0 out translations
alt+r - remove "rotate"
- 1 - vertices
- 2 - edges
- alt+left click will select "edge loops"
- 3 - faces
- a - select entire object being edited
line select: first, have a vertex selected. then select another vertex while holding cmd and it will select all vertices between them in the sortest path
num pad
- 5 - change between perspective and orthographic
- 1 - front view (-y)
- 3 - side view (+x)
- 7 - top view (+z)
- cmd+4 - step viewport left
- cmd+2 - step viewport down
- cmd+6 - step viewport right
- cmd+8 - step viewport up
working with faces
- e - "extrude".. basically, make another box that comes off of the current face
- i - "inset".. basically, splits the current face to have another inside
- i->b "inset on boundry".. splits the current face but on the boundry
beveling edge: go to edge mode, cmd+b and slide. mouse wheel up for more splits
beveling vertex: got to vertex mode, cmd+shift+b and slide.
cutting: cmd+r (loop cut). This will try to cut down the middle of quads that loop around a model
- increase cuts with scroll wheel
- left click to set once desired amount of cuts
- right click to have no movement on lines, or move mouse around and left click once in desired place
cmd+x - disolve selected, without destroying the mesh
alt+z - toggle x-ray mode
shift+d - duplicate object
shift+MMB - pan viewport
cmd+l - link objects. this allows you to link different modifier/attributes between objects
k for knife tool.
j for joining vertices
joining objects:
- select all objects to join
- ensure there is an "active" object (highlighted in yellow). this will be the object everything will join to
- cmd+j: this is the join command
- select vertices you want to randomize
- in edit mode
- select "Mesh" drop down
- select "Transform" option
- select "Randomize"
deforming objects
- these are ways to can transform and entire object
render movie basics
- go to output in properties window
- output section
- set output location
- File Format = FFmpeg Video
- in Encoding section, Container = MPEG-4
- in Video section, Output Qualityy = Perceptually Lossless, Encoding Speed = Slowest
- cmd+F12
cmd+p to parent one object to another
inverse kenimetics
- make a target and pole bone that do not deform, are not parented, and are:
- "pole" is where the IK will be pulled to
- "target" is the end? I think? put this on the last bone of IK
- on the ending bone that deforms, add the IK modifier on the bone
- make a target and pole bone that do not deform, are not parented, and are:
attaching bones to mesh
- for entire mesh: select the mesh to attach, then the armature, then cmd+p and parent with automatic weights
- for single bone: go into edit mode and select just the single bone you need to attach. Then, object mode, select the mesh and then the armeture, and press cmd+p, but select "bone". blender will remember the bone that is last selected.
to paint weights on the mesh for armetures, first select the armeture, then the mesh to paint, then go into "weight paint" mode
- alt+click will allow you to select different bones
the hdri is from https://polyhaven.com/a/table_mountain_2_puresky
poly haven is a fantastic resource
following a tutorial from https://www.gamedev.tv/courses/complete-blender-creator
following a tutorial from https://www.gamedev.tv/courses/complete-blender-creator
following a tutorial from https://www.gamedev.tv/courses/complete-blender-creator
face movie from: https://www.pexels.com/video/abstract-video-4990242/
following a tutorial from https://www.gamedev.tv/courses/complete-blender-creator