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Rémy Besognet El Sibaïe edited this page Aug 1, 2015 · 2 revisions

GRC intermediate format

Selection Tree

Label correspondance :

  • Squares : pauses
  • : exclusives

  • parallel : ||
type selection_tree = {status : bool; label : int; t = tree}
and type tree =
| Pause
| Par of selection_tree list
| Excl of selection_tree list
| Ref of selection_tree

The status is the current selection status of the node : selected (true) or not (false). Selected means the statement is currently activated and paused, and if the program is resumed, it's resumed from this statement.

If n exclusive nodes never have more than one selected child then the valuation of the selection tags is said to be consistent. A valuation is always consistent before an instant and after an instant.

The selection flags are updated by state access primitives : enter, exit, test, switch and sync. Those primitives are inside flowgraph nodes. Switch carries a exclusive node and sync a parellel node. Enter set the status of the selection node to true, and exit set the status of the selection node and all it's children to false


  • Pause : Leaf
  • Sequential composition and tests (present/if) : exclusive nodes
  • Parallel : parallel
  • Composite statements (Loop, suspend, trap) : reference selection nodes
  • nothing and emit : ignored

Completion code

An Esterel program can be completed in three way :

  • terminate its execution normally
  • pause (retain the execution flow for one instant)
  • exit by a trap

For each kind of termination we associate a completion code :

  • 0 : normal termination
  • 1 : pause
  • k + 2 : exit T where k is the number of traversed trap to reach Trap T

The parallel statement takes the maximum of all its branches


trap U in      	     => code 0
	trap T in		 => code 2
      nothing	     => code 0
	  ||		     => code 3
	  pause		     => code 1
	  exit T	     => code 2
	  exit U	     => code 3
    ||		     	 => code 2
    exit U		     => code 2
;        			 => code 1 
pause	    		 => code 1 


Memo :

  • Tick : Triangle inversé
  • Test : losange : point => else
  • Join : triangle inversé
  • Call : round corner
  • Switch : triangle
  • Sync : quadrilatère
  • Fork : quadrilatère inversé
type flowgraph =
  | Tick of flowgraph
  | Test of signal * flowgraph * flowgraph
  | Join of flowgraph
  | Call of action
  | Switch of selection_tree * flowgraph list
  | Sync of selection_tree * flowgraph list
  | Fork of flowgraph list

Each nodes has input ports and output ports which are connected through control arcs. If a node receives control from an input port, it is executed. There are also signal input arcs on test nodes. A node is executed if it receives control from ast least one arc. At the end of its computation, it gives control to one of its outputs. One arc is a link between an input and an ouput, but a output port of a node can be connected to several arcs, and it's the same for input ports.


The root of the Flowgraph with only an output CONT.


The Test node is generated from Present or IfElse. It has two outputs nodes THEN and ELSE depending on the signal status bit. It bears signal inputs ports.


Reassemble control flows like branches of a test. A single input GO and an output CONT.


Just a node with GO and CONT. A function call or emit (state update) is executed between the control receiving and control passing.


Choice between selection tree nodes depending of selection tree valuation. It triggered a state decoding primitive after GO. A Switch bears a selection node s. Switch has one output port for every child of s.


Collect the selection status and completion codes of parallel branches trough input ports and compute its own completion code.

A Sync node is associated with a parallel selection node.

  • Input
  • completion code for each parallel branch indiced by selection node Ki(br) which is the completion level of i for the branch.
  • port for each child of the selection node with is the Dead(br) input. It carries the negated selection status. The statement br produces no completion code when Dead(br) = 1
  • Output :
  • Ki (one output port per possible completion code)

After the completion code computation, it passes control to the relevant handler through output completion port K(i).

A Sync node may also carry a sync state access primitive that is used in the code generation process. The computation of the sync primitive is redundant in a Sync node but allow better encoding.


Construct to represent the places where control forks at ther beggining of parellel branches. It is only a list of successors.

Translation to GRC

First, the state access primitives must always be called by the flowgraph in a “consistent” order. In particular, state flags are decoded before they are modified within an instant.

Translation interface

The translation to selection tree is trivial since it's juste a view of the ast of p.

On the other side, the construction of the flowgraph is not obvious. This graph is the fusion of two graphs generated by the depth function and surface function. There type is

env -> Ast.t -> Flowgraph.t -> Flowgraph.t -> Flowgraph.t

The Ast.t is p, the first Flowgraph.t parameter is the pause escaping of p which represent the end of the execution for the current instant of p by pausing. The second Flowgraph.t parameter is the end escaping of p : it's the flowgraph of the statement following p execution.

The environnement is of type

type env = {
  exits : Flowgraph.t StringMap.t;
  under_suspend : bool;
  synctbl : (int * int, Flowgraph.t) Hashtbl.t

It contains a association table between labels and exits. under_suspend gives the information wether it's under a suspend statement or not. synctbl is an associated mutable table from couple of ids to sync flowgraphs.

The flowgraph is a tree with up to two children.

type t =
    | Node_bin of node * t * t
    | Node of node * t
    | Leaf of node

The node tags are the different GRC constructions :

type node =
  | Call of action
  | Test of test_value
  | Sync of int * int
  | Fork
  | Dep

Each function generates its flowgraph. The glue between them is a node with a test on the selection state of the root node. The final end node is a call which set finished to true.

From statement to flowgraph

The symbole


surface :

enter p
	-> endp
	-> pause

depth : endp

Await s

surface :

enter p
	-> test s (exit p -> endp,

depth : _

Loop q

surface :

enter p ->
	surface q
		-> pause
		-> endp

depth :

depth q
	-> pause
	-> surface q
		-> pause
		-> pause

Sequence q r

surface :

enter p
	-> surface q
		-> pause
		-> surface r
			-> pause
			-> endp

depth :

	-> depth q
		-> pause
		-> surface r
			-> pause
			-> endp
    -> depth r
		-> pause
		-> endp


Run statement translates in two parts:

  • Instantiation of the machine and initialisation of its environnement
  • Run the machine and test if it's paused or finished

In GRC, it's two nodes :

  • An instantiate Action
  • A is_paused test node which executes the machine on the given signals in the same time

Interleaving nodes

  • Algorithm to handle scheduling with par in trap
let rec inter (p1, p2, stop) =

match leads_to_end stop p1, leads_to_end stop p2 with
  | Some n1, Some n2 when n1 >= n2 -> p1
  | Some n1, Some n2 -> p2
  | Some _ , None -> p1
  | None, Some _ -> p2
  | None, None -> interleave p1 p2