To build Cerberus, you need opam (>= 2.0.0, see here to install) and OCaml (>= 4.12.0).
First install the dependencies (including lem
and menhir
) using opam:
$ opam install --deps-only ./cerberus-lib.opam ./cerberus.opam
Then build the CLI using:
$ make
The CLI can then be used either from the source directory using:
$ dune exec cerberus -- ARG1 .. ARGN
or, after doing $ make install
, using the cerberus
To fully remove all object and Lem generated files:
$ make distclean
To remove the object files, but keep the Lem generated files (allowing for faster build when only working on .ml
$ make clean
$ cerberus --exec file1.c ... fileN.c
This will elaborate to Core, link, look for a main()
function, and start executing the Core from there. To see a printout of the return value, and to get a machine-friendly collection of stdout and stderr,
add the --batch
$ cerberus --args="arg1","arg2" file.c
The C abstract syntax (Cabs) and the Ail intermediate representation can be printed with
. -
The Ail intermediate representation and the Core program can be pretty-printed with
$ cerberus file1.c ... fileN.c
This will elaborate the C translation units to Core programs, and link them, before returning silently.
Include directories can be added with the usual -I
, and macros can be forwarded to the preprocessor using -D
(and unset with -U
For more, see cerberus --help
Various C programs can be found in tests/
Install the common dependencies and the following extra ones:
- angstrom (0.15.0)
$ opam install angstrom
Then run:
$ make cerberus-bmc
To run:
$ cerberus-bmc --help
Install the common dependencies and the following extra ones:
- lwt
- fpath (0.7.3)
- ezgzip (0.2.3)
- cohttp-lwt-unix (5.0.0)
$ opam install lwt fpath ezgzip cohttp-lwt-unix
$ make web
This installs all the available web instances as webcerb.*
and the web server cerberus-webserver
To build the UI, install node package manager npm
(sudo apt install nodejs npm
) and:
$ make ui
Edit the generated config.json
$ cerberus-server --help
Install the common dependencies and the APRON library (tested with v0.9.12).
$ opam install apron
$ make absint
You can also compile all the targets with:
$ make all
A pre-build docker image with cerberus
and cn
can be downloaded with:
- For the Ubuntu 22.04 based image (recommended):
$ docker pull
- For Redhat Ubi9 based image:
$ docker pull
For a local build, run:
$ docker build -t cn:release -f Dockerfile.ubuntu .
which creates a Docker image than can be used for example with:
$ docker run --volume `PWD`:/data/ cerberus:0.1 tests/tcc/00_assignment.c --pp=core
This image contains all the source code.
- Kayvan Memarian
- Christopher Pulte
- Thomas Sewell
- Victor B. F. Gomes
- Stella Lau
- Kyndylan Nienhuis
- Dhruv Makwana
- Justus Matthiesen
- James Lingard
- David Chisnall
- Robert N. M. Watson
- Peter Sewell
- Vadim Zaliva
The main Cerberus developer is Kayvan Memarian. Victor Gomes made substantial contributions across the system. Kyndylan Nienhuis worked on the operational semantics for C11 concurrency. Stella Lau is the main developer of Cerberus BMC. The CN backend is by Christopher Pulte and Thomas Sewell. The CHERI memory model is by Vadim Zaliva. Cerberus originated with Justus Matthiesen's 2010-11 Part II project dissertation and his 2011-12 MPhil dissertation. James Lingard's 2013-14 MPhil dissertation developed a certifying translation validator for simple C programs for the Clang front-end, w.r.t. the Cerberus and Vellvm semantics.
This software was developed largely within the Rigorous Engineering of Mainstream Systems (REMS) project at the University of Cambridge. It has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 789108, ELVER); the EPSRC Programme Grant REMS: Rigorous Engineering of Mainstream Systems (EP/K008528/1); an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship EP/H005633 (Sewell); a Gates Cambridge Scholarship (Nienhuis); an MIT EECS Graduate Alumni Fellowship (Lau); and Google.