REL is excited to release a new version of SURE-Pulse to the high strain rate testing community. SURE-Pulse is an open source software suite that aims to be the industry standard in material analysis.
We encourage you to download and install the latest version found at Only the latest version of the software will be supported.
Features included in this release include
- Improvements in noise filtering
- Video output from Image correlation follows sample deformation
- A citation section to ease citing of the software
- Tutorial section including links to training videos
- Usability and bug fixes throughout the software
The new filtering method uses a triangular window, with much better performance than the previous filter, which was prone to ringing artifacts.
The video output now defaults to Eulerian strain, which produces a strain map that follows the sample as it deforms.
The SURE-Pulse software remains open source, and we invite you to inspect our code or even fork our repository.
-REL High Strain Rate Materials Team