Mycroft is an generic inspector for the JVM, written in Clojure.
Run Mycroft as a standalone project:
- clone the git repos at
- run
lein run 8080
to launch the web server and repl - Warnings and web log on console can be ignored
Embed Mycroft in your own project:
- in project.clj, add
[mycroft/mycroft "0.0.3"]
to your
- from the repl:
- run
(require '[mycroft.main :as mycroft])
- launch mycroft on a port of your choice, e.g.
(mycroft/-main "8081")
- run
Once you have installed Mycroft per the instructions above, you can
inspect items from the repl in a browser. Try:
(inspect alter)
to inspect a Clojure var(inspect java.lang.String)
to inspect a Java class(inspect (+ 1 2))
to inspect an arbitrary expression
You can also try browsing to the following urls:
- http://localhost:{yourport} gives an overview tour of Mycroft
- http://localhost:{yourport}/vars is an entry point for browsing all Clojure vars
Copyright © Relevance. All rights reserved. The use and distribution
terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0
( which can be found in
the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using this
software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of
this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.