Generate a "xkcd-style" random password. Passwords contain an adjective, noun, verb, adverb, to have a chance to construct a sentence. At least it might be pronouncable and memorizable, while still being quite safe. (there are discussions about this, but it still is better than 'welcome123')
See for how this started originally
$ xkcdpass
Limit (or extend) word length:
$ xkcdpass --wordlength 4
$ xkcdpass --wordlength 10
Limit total length:
$ xkcdpass --maxlength 15
Use random-length words (more secure since we have more words in the list to choose from):
$ xkcdpass --randomwordlength
To facilitate implementing bash-competion, the script can list all its commandline-options:
$ xkcdpass --completion
-h --help --maxlength -m --wordlength -w --randomwordlength -r --completion -c
Help text:
$ xkcdpass --help
usage: xkcdpass [-h] [--maxlen MAXLEN] [--wordlength WORDLENGTH]
generate a "XKCD-style" random password (
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--maxlen MAXLEN, -m MAXLEN
Maximum length of password (default None)
length of words (default 8)
--randomworklength, -r
use random-length words (more secure)
--completion, -c show options for facilicating bash completion
- make sure Python 3 is available on your system
- put script and word files in the same directory somewhere (in a git clone)
- symlink python script from a directory in your path (e.g.
ln -s /home/reinoud/git/xkcdpass/ ~/bin/xkcdpass
, assuming~/bin
is in your$PATH
to facilitate bash completion, link the file xkcdpass.bash_completion
from the bash_completion.d
directory on your
computer. When you run Brew with bash completion installed this would be something like:
ln -s /home/reinoud/git/xkcdpass/xkcdpass.bash_completion /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/xkcdpass