Wordscript JSON API
Ronaldo Barbachano
This API provides simple interfaces for retreving Wordpress MySQL data; without needing an installed/ working version of Wordpress, MySQL, or even PHP (when using node or ruby versions).
New Meta Field Images/Attachments Support
Wordscript will now support meta fields (node version forthcoming), and also supports the Attachments Pro plugin (it seemed to be popular) including fields. These options can be configured in config.php
Much faster. Uses a fraction of memory. Design your applications around json structures. Easy to implement in javascript applications. Create your own themes using your own tools. Migrate an existing wordpress installation to use NoSQL technologies.
Copy an example configuration of the api you'd like to use and supply your information
cp config-example.php config.php
cp config-example.node.js config.node.js
cp config-example.rb config.rb
Install Dependencies
Node and Ruby api's will need non-standard libraries installable via npm (node package manager) and gem.
Node Depdendences
No npm?
gem install npm
npm install mysql
Ruby Dependencies
gem install mysql2
gem install json
gem install php_serialize
This API generates queries based on passed get parameters to deliver json structures.
This can effectively seperate 'development' enviornments from production, and can still allow usage of the administrative wordpress interface to handle user accounts, post creation etc.
What this won't do
You can't use this API to modify anything in the database, and this does not track comments or multi-level category hiearchy. This may change.
What this should do
Eventually I would like to create a basic templating construct, allowing users to define html structures to insert the wordpress data into, support RSS feeds (?rss=), configuration options for thumbnail display/image tag generation. Support xml responses with (?xml=). Also I may consider writing API's for Perl and Python.
General API Reference
base url
(get 10 latests posts)
(get 10 latest posts inside 'news' categories)
(get categories)
Cool _GET options
Add these after the &json= to enable some simple options like...
&stats --will add basic statistics (load,query count, and memory use)
&embed --will add 'var wp_api=[json];' which should make it easier to include as a javascript &noTag -- Does not look up tags (saves a crap load of queries) &categories -- includes categories (?json=categories)