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LoFi Localization Server

This project will allow you to create a server to help you manage localization of in a very low-fi way. (there are very advanced management software and services for Translation agencies to use. This is much more low maintenance).

Here are the aims of the project:

  • You can create a project with a set of "master" texts (in whatever language you like), with a machine-readable identifier, a comment, and master (English) text
  • You can create as many languages as you like for that project
  • Add/Invite people by email address to login and translate one or more languages
  • Define fallbacks for missing translations (e.g. another language/locale)
  • Mark local translations as needing review when the master has been altered
  • Download files in certain formats:
    • android,
    • iOS
    • django / gettext (.po)
    • rails (.yml)
  • make subsets of this project with one or more texts included
  • Translator assistance: be able to download / upload CSV of translations rather than have

NB: There are some limitations:

  • Master text is in English. (To change this would require thinking more seriously about plurals in Master text and how to display them for localization).
  • Android should not use string_array. Android also doesn't use html formatting within texts.
  • We use a particular library for iphone plural strings
  • no .po yet
  • you need to define the pluralization defaults for each language.

The rest of this doc is about how to develop and install it locally. The software is written in Ruby (2.0) and Ruby-on-Rails (v4.0). You'll need to know these two to carry on.

Setup development machine

install / system dependencies

install postgres *get the git repo, ensure right ruby, bundler... then: *

bundle config --delete bin
bundle install
bundle exec spring binstub --all


NB (rails 4 stuff):

When you install a gem whose executable you want to use in your app, generate it and add it to source control:

  bundle binstubs some-gem-name
  git add bin/new-executable

setup db

bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

get some decent data



runs on http://localhost:3010



setup for testing

bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

cp spec/support/focus.rb.disabled spec/support/local_only_focus.rb

run tests


Localization File Import API

Supports iOS .strings files, android strings.xml files and a subset of Rails Yaml files (but doesn't support nested keys).

for setup:

Create a project with a specific name and note the id created (you can use the slug if desired)

To upload a strings file using Curl:

curl -F file=@/path/to/iphone-app/Project/en.lproj/Localizable.strings -X POST http://localhost:3010/api/projects/:id_or_slug/import/ios
curl -F file=@/path/to/android-app/Project/res/values-en/strings.xml -X POST http://localhost:3010/api/projects/:id_or_slug/import/android
curl -F file=@/path/to/rails-app/config/locales/en.yml -X POST http://localhost:3010/api/projects/:id_or_slug/import/yaml

where /path/to/iphone-app/Project/en.lproj/Localizable.strings is the path to the strings file you want to upload. Note the @, this is important.

TO put in a localization file

 curl -F file=@/path/to/Project/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings -X POST http://localhost:3010/api/projects/:id_or_slug/languages/ja/import/ios
 curl -F file=@/path/to/Project/res/values-ja/strings.xml -X POST http://localhost:3010/api/projects/:id_or_slug/languages/ja/import/android
 curl -F file=@/path/to/Project/config/locales/en.yml -X POST http://localhost:3010/api/projects/:id_or_slug/languages/ja/import/yaml

where ja is the already created language code. Master texts should be created too

Localization File Export API

Change to the root of the iOS/Android application code and do something like the following: iOS

export lang=ja
curl -o ios-project/$lang.lproj/Localizable.strings http://localhost:3010/api/projects/:id_or_slug/export/ios/$lang

iOS .strings files should be UTF-16 LE with BOM. It might be worth ensuring that this is the case using a capable text editor.


export lang=ja
curl -o android-project/res/values-$lang/strings.xml http://localhost:3010/api/projects/:id_or_slug/export/android/$lang

Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)


Notes for heroku deployment:


heroku config:set DEVISE_KEY=some-very-long-random-string
heroku config:set [email protected]
heroku config:set
heroku config:set [email protected]

heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter

Also add scheduled tasks add on with a daily task which runs rake cron:if_monday (weekly email)

Routine deployment

Create release

release start # or release start --minor or release start --major 
# review release notes
release commit
release tag
release push


thor heroku:deploy production


To set up mailcatcher (with rvm) locally on your dev environment:

rvm default@mailcatcher --create do gem install mailcatcher
rvm wrapper default@mailcatcher --no-prefix mailcatcher catchmail

To view mail sent:

open http://localhost:1080

more info:


We use a pre-compiled version of (Thanks!). For reference we generated it with the following

git clone evilstreak/markdown-js && cd markdown-js && npm install
./node_modules/.bin/grunt all --force
cp dist/markdown.js ../lofi-lions/vendor/assets/javascripts/markdown.js

Google translate

Put your api key in GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY environment variable (see for a how-to generate)

then you can call (one-off, regularly, etc):


This will translate all empty translations, and mark them for review with a note that they have been automatically translated.


This project is open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.TXT