Corrected core version grabbing #2596
GitHub Actions / Results UWP Managed
Apr 17, 2024 in 1s
Results UWP Managed ❌
❌ C:/Users/runneradmin/AppData/Local/Packages/realm.uwp.tests_tqmxrx2sghv08/LocalState/TestResults.UWP.xml
6070 tests were completed in 1881s with 6048 passed, 1 failed and 21 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
Realm.Tests.dll.Realms.Tests.Sync.SyncMigrationTests. | 4✔️ | 1❌ | 17s |
❌ Realm.Tests.dll.Realms.Tests.Sync.SyncMigrationTests.
❌ Migration_FailsWithFutureVersion
Expected: String containing "schema version in BIND 3 is greater than latest schema version 2"
But was: "Client provided invalid schema version: client presented schema version "3" is greater than latest schema version "2" Logs:"
✔️ Model_CanMigratePropertyOptionality
✔️ Model_CanRemoveField
✔️ SameRealm_CanBeMigratedSkippingVersions
✔️ SameRealm_CanBeMigratedThroughConsecutiveVersions
Check failure on line -1 in No path available
github-actions / Results UWP Managed
Realm.Tests.dll.Realms.Tests.Sync.SyncMigrationTests. ► Realms.Tests.Sync.SyncMigrationTests ► Migration_FailsWithFutureVersion
Failed test found in:
Expected: String containing "schema version in BIND 3 is greater than latest schema version 2"
But was: "Client provided invalid schema version: client presented schema version "3" is greater than latest schema version "2" Logs:"
Raw output
at Realms.Tests.Sync.SyncMigrationTests.<Migration_FailsWithFutureVersion>b__3_0()
at TaskExtensions.Timeout(Task task, Int32 millisecondTimeout, Task errorTask, String detail)
at Realms.Tests.TestHelpers.<>c__DisplayClass33_0.<<RunAsyncTest>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at Nito.AsyncEx.Synchronous.TaskExtensions.WaitAndUnwrapException(Task task)