This example is concentrating more on twitter and facebook integrations with rails.
Rails has many more gems to post, manage the social pages. I would like to discuss about facebook & twitter integrations.
For managing the pages and apps in facebook, we have to create an account in the facebook.
Signup a facebook account with
After creating the facebook account, create a page by using this link
we must login to facebook developers page to get access token
Facebook having graph explorer in facebook developers home page, from there you can get 2 hours acess token for facebook pages.
Select Application from the drop down in graph explorer tools, and select the get access token button, it prompt for permissions, select basic permissions and generate short access token.
Facebook provides debug token explorer, it displays info about Access Token, Open Graph Id. more about Debugger Tool
We need to create an facebook app, for creating the app, go through
-> Apps -> Create a New App
in the facebook developers home page -
In the process of managing pages through the app, we need App ID & App Secret.
By using the AppID, make a request to following address
note: The loggedin user must be manage his own pages through dialog box.
It displays popup, select which page you want to manage it
Then you make a request to get an 60 days token
GET /oauth/access_token? grant_type=fb_exchange_token& client_id={app-id}& client_secret={app-secret}& fb_exchange_token={short-lived-token}
- Example link:
Response should like this
Require koala gem into Gemfile
gem 'koala'
By using the access token, we pick facebook graph object from koala
#Picking the graph api object from kaola gem @graph =
In koala gem ,we have methods to manage posts in facebook. so below snippet is for wall post
#put_wall_post is method to post an article to the pages post_info = @graph.put_wall_post(post_title, { name: link_name, description: post_description, picture: image_url, link: page_link })
At first, we have an twitter account to manage the tweets. for signup an account
Ruby twitter gem to manage twitter accounts, require in Gemfile
gem 'twitter'
Managing the twitter accounts using OAuth based protocol, we need a privilliges to access twitter account, so for that we have to create an twitter app using twitter developers site
Creating Twitter App
Displaying the apps
Select an API Keys tab in home page of app, generate a new access token
Configure twitter client
@client = do |config| config.consumer_key = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY" config.consumer_secret = "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET" config.access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" config.access_token_secret = "YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET" end
Using client object, post a tweet like this
@client.update('First tweet')
note: Twitter accept the tweet less than 140 characters, twitter need write permissioned access token for posting the tweet. for more about Twitter methods
- We spend a lot of time on posting to facebook, We think to design an sample app to make it easier facebook integrations with rails.
git clone
It started on rails 3000 port
rails server
Facebook wall Post
Place an access token in the input field, else configure it in facebook controller initializer block
-> app -> controllers -> facebook_controller -> initialize block
def initialize #specify access_token here @access_token = 'X' end
Post your article by clicking on post button
After succesfull posting an article, you get success response, else exception thrown by facebook or koala gem , More about exceptions
Finally, the posted article in the facebook.
Twitter tweet
Configure Twitter client in
app -> controllers -> twitter_controller.rb -> initiliaze method config params
@client = do |config| config.consumer_key = "ZKMBsV5ETf1erkMYdywTg" config.consumer_secret = "TsA0p3PWLcxc7CVmNBHJbhsOaeKs13BygsONgDQeM" config.access_token = "1835423847-psdbfLDsvjvBsApR3t0WvRI28C7QgStgeFabaHi" config.access_token_secret = "66aqNIqsFTlgDKRTdh0ZHrSKrplQKdjKMBodcsXzkGASU" end
Restart the server, if its already running
Make a request to
Placed a tweet in text area and click on tweet button
It displays success response or else exception message
Tweeted message is like this
Facebook App verification
If you need to verify facebook application, follow these steps to get verified
Confirm your application is verified or not, with green circle in App Dashboard page, looks like
Enable the verification of Facebook App using follow steps
- Check App status
- Add your contact email to get verified
- Now, Enable the app
- Finally App is verified