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👾binary modules
👾binary modules
Nodes that need to build binary modules
Something isn't working
🧞‍♂️build process
🧞‍♂️build process
🤷‍♂️can not reproduce
🤷‍♂️can not reproduce
⚙️ccu nodes
⚙️ccu nodes
This issue or pull request already exists
New feature or request
🌍extra nodes
🌍extra nodes
🥇good first issue
🥇good first issue
Good for newcomers
✋help wanted
✋help wanted
Extra attention is needed
This doesn't seem right
Further information is requested
🚨security relevant
🚨security relevant
🤔to be clarified
🤔to be clarified
🔬to be retested
🔬to be retested
This will not be worked on
👨‍🔬5.0 beta
👨‍🔬5.0 beta