A simple tool to selectively fetch chromium based project of DEPS file git submodule. When working with chromium based project, sometimes it is useful to have selectively to fetch only certain git submodule. But wait, there has been a tool called depot. Why want to re-invent another wheel?
- The depot tool always downloads blindly the submodule repository, this is very detrimental if you have fast bandwidth but limited internet quota volume. With using this tool you can just fetch from sysroot git local cloned repo of certain DEPS file.
- Supporting initial download all repository from certain DEPS file [TODO].
- Auto download fresh copy of repository from missing local sysroot of cloned git repository.
Some requirements to build this tool :
- Qt 5.6>= (only qt core module)
- CMake (the lastest version is better, currently 3.11)
- Ninja (Optional)
- C++17 compiler (MSVC 2017, Clang 6 or 7)
- Git (Lastest version is better)
Try run :
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DQt5Core_DIR=$QT_ROOT/lib/cmake/Qt5Core -G Ninja /where/src/chromium_deps_fetcher
Where $QT_ROOT is your sysroot of your Qt 5 directory.
$ ./chromium_deps_fetcher
Usage: chromium_deps_fetcher [options]
-?, -h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
-l From local copy mode, currently
must invoke this, default
--dbg Show critical debugging msessage
--adl Auto download fresh copy repo if
missing from sysroot dir
--pfr Print all failed repo to be
-e, --exclude <separate_comma_repo_names> excluded repo (in separate
--fd, --fromdir <from_dir> target local copy dir of your
cloned repo, assuming any DEPS
repos are on this directory
-g, --git <git_exe_dir> From git app exe dir
-o, --outdir <out_dir> Output directory folder to unpack
--dp <DEPS_FILE> Choose DEPS file
The -l mode flag is currently default and must be invoked since I want to have another possible usecase as well when working with DEPS file or feel free you can suggest a new feature request.
Currently this tool is heavily tested against Google Skia project. If you find any bugs, welcome any pull request.
MIT License