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Thomas Bergwinkl edited this page Oct 27, 2016 · 1 revision


@bergos @blake.regalia @elf-pavlik (scribe) @dmitrizagidulin @alexmilowski @l00mi (late ;)


  1. Issue #94 - Add .toJSON on Term and Quad

    consensus - move this issue to the High Level API (instead of Low Level). If there is a clear use case, we can re-discuss

  2. Issue #82 - mention that factory is the only entry point to create new objects

    editorial/wording only, skip.

  3. Issue #81 immutable objects - most people agreed the should stay immutable - skip for today util method for high level API to create object based on existing one @dmitrizagidulin - use case in profile editor - how to change value of the literal but not the language or data type @blake-regalia - HighLevel API could define getters and setters to 'mutate' objects

    resolution: agreed that they should stay immutable but it still needs better wording

  4. Issue #79 Forward DataFactory to parsers/readers @bergos - if you want factory that implements high level api and one used by the parser only implements the low level one forwarding a factory could come useful @blake.regalia

Stream Interfaces @bergos - implemented it for JSON-LD by wrapping existing jsonld.js library, also N-Triple serializer (easy!), also for match, plus @dmitrizagidulin - not implemented yet, may need to buffer streems @bergos - buffering can depend on implementation, possibly not such a generic use case, also done some work in JSON-LD serializer @blake-regalia - have streem interfaces little different from ones in the spec, still needs to implement RDF/JS draft to give feedback @bergos - tried Ruben's iterator library @alex - tried to find time to refactor green turtle, concern related to operating in different env - mostly in document based @blake-regalia - event fired every time when quad gets read, every time parser gets chunk from the stream, parsers what it can and calls those data even callbacks, encountered significant performance drawback - implemented stream control via pausing and resuming: @bergos - suggests trying @alex - i read and write variety of formants, merge graphs, in a way producing separate streems and merging them (RDFa, JSON-LD), seems like a conflict here pull vs. push

Q: How to pass a @base to a parser? maybe related to passing a factory function? @blake-regalia for stream interface, we can have readable, error and prefix - not all serialization formats have prefix events - maybe also base for RDFa, graph open and graph closed for Trig ? @elf-pavlik in RDFa document doesn't know its own base in many cases and parser needs to receive it in addition to the document it will parse


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