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Thomas Bergwinkl edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 1 revision

Present: @bergos, @RubenVerborgh, @l00mi, @nicola

  • .triple()
    • returns specified format
  • promises
    • can't work with plain Objects
    • needs functions
  • constructor vs. factory
    • constructor (new Triple()) doesn't allow changing the underlying implementation
    • factories (.triple(), .createTriple()) are a requirement
  • plain objects
    • plain objects can't have .equals, .toString, etc. methods
      • beside properties, which could be also setters and getters, methods like .equals are usefull and should be defined to support oo interfaces
    • factory should support simplified object as parameter to clone a plain object into a full featured object
  • String objects as nodes
    • String objects don't support additional properties (required to set the node type, language and datatype for literals) -> can't be used
  • .toString
    • a representation like in N3.js would be canonical, including the node type, and would allow == compares
      • a canonical representation would be useful, if it's not .toString a method name like .toCanonical could be used
      • N-Triples aren't canonical, because of different escape sequences
        • Can we define a canonical version of N-Triples?
    • .toString is often used as label for unknown objects or as label in general, a human readable version like defined in RDF Interfaces( would be better for that use case
  • easier access to triples and nodes should be implemented in libraries on top of the low level API (e.g. SimpleRDF)
  • test suite for low level API should be implemented
  • @RubenVerborgh will draft a preliminary spec discussion document
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