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rollerbrick edited this page Mar 8, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the QueenB-Battlesnake2018 wiki!

Multi-configuration Testing

Testing multiple configurations (ex. different weightings of strategies) will be supported by the testing rig by additional API calls implemented by the snake.

At the beginning of testing, a call to the primary snake under test will be made...


GET /test-configs

Sample response...

  { "attack":   0, "food-greedy":   0 },
  { "attack":  33, "food-greedy":   0 },
  { "attack":  67, "food-greedy":   0 },
  { "attack": 100, "food-greedy":   0 },
  { "attack":   0, "food-greedy":  33 },
  { "attack":  33, "food-greedy":  33 },
  { "attack":  67, "food-greedy":  33 },
  { "attack": 100, "food-greedy":  33 },
  { "attack":   0, "food-greedy":  67 },
  { "attack":  33, "food-greedy":  67 },
  { "attack":  67, "food-greedy":  67 },
  { "attack": 100, "food-greedy":  67 },
  { "attack":   0, "food-greedy": 100 },
  { "attack":  33, "food-greedy": 100 },
  { "attack":  67, "food-greedy": 100 },
  { "attack": 100, "food-greedy": 100 }

Before each /start call, the primary snake under test will receive a request with the configuration object for that game.


POST /test-config

Sample request payload...

{ "attack": 0, "food-greedy": 0 }

The configuration objects will be cycled through for each test game.

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