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Changelog: 3.x.x Releases

Doreen Seider edited this page Dec 1, 2015 · 2 revisions
RCE 3.2.0 - Honolulu Juicer (released at 24 September 2013)
  • improved handling of long-lasting remote component initializations
  • fixed validation errors not showing up in log
  • fixed connection removal via Undo
  • workflows are properly disposed on shutdown now
  • improved default workspace locations of "launch" configurations
  • fixed double-click in read-only workflow view switching to properties view
  • changed behaviour of Script component on second click
  • updated example workflows and fixed nested loop workflow
  • fixed sending an output to more than one input
  • guarded converger component against certain loop behavior
  • fixed handling of Boolean values in component input view
  • existing workflows are now properly shown after a network merge
  • workflow console output is now properly removed after workflow deletion
  • fixed remote workflow deletion breaking workflow tabs
  • fixed workflow console scrolling issues
  • made TiGLViewer a dedicated component
  • TiglViewer: fixed issue with workbench restart
  • Optimizer component: improved configuration GUI
  • Python/Jython component: deprecated old script API
  • Python/Jython component: using the same names for inputs and outputs is now allowed
  • Python/Jython component: fixed hangs on long console output
  • Excel component: fixed pruning of output channel
  • minor usability improvements
  • improved test code coverage
  • various other bug fixes

RCE 3.1.0 - Honolulu Juicer (released at 27 August 2013)
  • Fixed bug regarding boolean values sent within a workflow (workflow components always retrieved 'false' even the previous component sent 'true')
  • Added support for workflow control from within scripts executed with the Script component again
  • GUI misc: mark GUI elements red if validation error exists (instead of yellow which is meant for validation warnings)
  • internal: added example workflow components demonstrating how to develop a RCE workflow component

RCE 3.0.0 - Honolulu Juicer (released at 2 August 2013)
  • Added support for remote upload of large files
  • Unified data types of input values and output values which are used by workflow components (Note: all workflow files created with RCE < 3.0.0 will be updated by RCE when opening them for the first time)
  • Replace the Python workflow component with a more generic Script workflow component which supports still Python and and latterly also Jython
  • Added check if two RCE instances are compatible to each other (connection between them will be refused if not compatible)
  • Added support for maximum iteration count in Converger workflow component
  • Reduced messages exchanged during workflow run
  • Improved GUI
    • added icon in workflow runtime tab, which shows the current state of a workflow
    • Fixed memory leak in tab showing the input values of running workflow components
    • Reworked and improved most of the workflow component configuration GUIs
    • Improved the workflow run editor: it only allows RCE nodes to be selected which has the workflow component with an exact matching version installed
    • Added check for invalid connections: if data type of one connection's endpoint (input/output) is changed it will be checked now if it is compatible with the data type of the other endpoint
    • Made the GUI in general more responsive even if long running (remote) operations are performed in the underlying backend
    • More minor improvements

Changelog of other versions