The Affix Tree Data Structure (or atds) implementation contains the C++11 codes associated with the following reference: R. Canovas and E. Rivals. "Full Compressed Affix Tree Representations". To appear in Proc. DCC'17. This work includes the following data structures:
- BidWT: The bidirectional wavelet index. The code presented is simply a mask over the original code of Thomas Schnattinger supplied within the sdsl library.
- AFA: Our implementation of Strothmann's Affix Array.
- ACAT: The Asynchronous Compressed Affix Array.
- ACATS: The Asynchronous Compressed Affix Array Sampled.
- ACATN: The Asynchronous Compressed Affix Array Non-sampled.
- RACATN: The Reduced Asynchronous Compressed Affix Array Non-sampled.
- SCAT: The Synchronous Compressed Affix Array.
Each of these data structures receive as template parameter, the suffix tree or wavelet tree used internally. The createIndex test shows an example of how to create the data structure using the default templates.
To be able to compile the atds codes:
- Install sdsl-lite. Follow the installation guide here: (
- Modify the location of the sdsl library in the CMakeLists.txt if necessary.
- Create the build folder and run:
- cmake ..
- make
Use: ./createIndex <file_name> <tmp_locationopt> index_id
<file_name>: Name of the file to be use to create the required data structure
<tmp_location>: folder where temporal files will be generated during the construction
index_id: 0 | BidWT
1 | AFA
2 | ACAT
6 | SCAT
output: <file_name>.<index_type>
Example: ./createIndex ./data/file ./tmp 2
output: file.acat
Use: ./testSearch <index_file_name> index_id <sample_file>
<file_name>: Name of the compressed index file to be tested
index_id: 0 | BidWT
1 | AFA
2 | ACAT
6 | SCAT
<sample_file>: A file containing a set of sampled reads to be queried , separed by '\0'
(see the code as example of how to generate these files)
output: Times per operation
Example: ./testSearch ./data/file.acat 2 ./sample/file_sample
Time avg per suffix_children operation: 1000000 us
Time avg per prefix children operation: 1000000 us
Time avg per Degree operation: 1000000 us
Time avg per Slink operation: 1000000 us
Time avg per backward forward: 1000000 us
Note: These codes assume that the computer have enough RAM memory to read and store the complete input.