The main objective of chadOS is to utilize a custom package manager, which will be implemented once networking is available.
Website - Manual - Discord - Releases
- chadOS is a distribution of skiftOS, an os built from scratch in modern C++.
- chadOS features a reactive UI library and has a strong emphasis on user experience.
- chadOS exposes its features to developers through clean APIs.
- chadOS includes many applications like an Image Viewer, a Text Editor, a Terminal Emulator, etc...
- chadOS features an UNIX-like terminal experience with many familiar UNIX utilities.
- chadOS is also pretty easy to build from source, just follow the build guide.
- chadOS is capable of running on real hardware.
- Manual
- Building (start here if you are new)
- Contributing
- Code of conduct
- Running on Virtual Box (click here to experience chadOS)
Without skift, chadOS could not be possible, the contributors of skift and the founder are the ones who made this project possible, so thanks to them.
- echfs
- limine (BSD-2-Clause License)
- Material Design Icons (SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE )
- serenityOS AK utilities: while not directly used in skift (and subsequently chadOS), AK was a big inspiration in the creation of libutils.
The chadOS operating system and its core components are licensed under the MIT License.
The full text of the license can be accessed via this link and is also included in the file of this software package.