A simple library that makes it easier to use the camera and do image processing via opencv.
1 - Add this to the allProjects repositories:
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
2 - Add this as an app dependency:
compile 'com.github.ravindu1024:android-imaging-utils:1.0.0'
- OpenCV integration
- Helper classes for Camera and Video Recording
1 - Open Camera
CameraController.connect(CameraController.CameraType.Default, 90);
CameraController.PreviewSize p = CameraController.getBestPreviewSize(640, 480); //get the best preview matching the aspect ratio
CameraController.startPreview(previewTexture, p);
2 - Close/Disconnect Camera
3 - Start Video Recording
VideoRecorder.startRecording(saveFilePath, rotation, maxRecordLengthMillis, camCoderProfile);
4 - Stop Recording
- armeabi
- armeabi-v7a
- arm64-v8a
- mips
- x86
The library size will be around 40MB with opencv 3.3.0 so if you need to keep the apk size small, include the following in your app gradle file, in the android tag
splits {
abi {
enable true
include "x86", "armeabi-v7a"
universalApk false
This creates 2 apk files - one for arm and one for x86 platforms.
If you only need to use the CameraController and VideoRecoder classes without any image processing, add the following to your app gradle file
exclude 'lib/*/libopencv_java3.so'