Create per-baseline time/frequency plots from a Measurement Set. Uses pyrap.
Usage: [options] msname
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --list List Measurement Set properties and exit
-d COLUMN, --datacolumn=COLUMN
Measurement Set column to plot (default = DATA)
-f FIELD, --field=FIELD
Field ID to plot (default = 0)
-s MYSPW, --spw=MYSPW
Comma separated list of SPWs to plot (default = all)
-p PLOT, --plot=PLOT Set to amp, phase, real or imag (default = amp)
Antenna 1: plot only this antenna
Antenna 2: use with -i to plot a single baseline
--scale=SCALE Scale the image peak to this multiple of the per-corr
min/max (ignored for phases)
--cmap=MYCMAP Matplotlib colour map to use (default = jet)
Output folder to store plots (default = msname___plots)
Plotting can be quite slow for large Measurement Sets. Will probably also fail if you have SPWs with different time/freq shapes. Use of the -s switch can generally get around this.