The Map My World project is the SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) project of the Udacity Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree. A Real-Time Appearance Based Mapping (RTAB-Map) via ROS packages are applied to perform SLAM in a simulated environment.
Note: See the writeup for theoretical content on SLAM algorithms and complete specifics of RTAB-Map with Results.
The project was developed on Ubuntu environment of Udacity Workspace with ROS Kinetic, Gazebo and catkin installed.
The robot relies on the rtabmap_ros
ROS package, which should be installed in local system through apt-get
Run and build the packages using:
$ cd catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
The below commands are allowed to run in separate terminals:
Launch the world in Gazebo:
$ roslaunch slam_project slam_world.launch
Launch the teleop node for keyboard control:
$ roslaunch slam_project teleop.launch
Launch the RTAB-Map mapping node
$ roslaunch slam_project mapping.launch
Launch the RViz GUI:
$ roslaunch slam_project rviz.launch
** Note: ** The default world is the custom world
. To run
, change in world.launch
file for
in place of
There are two tasks involved in this project:
- build up robot model configuration
- Integrate
for SLAM.
The robot model was extended from the previous project RoboND-Where-Am-I
and has an RGB-D camera to input depth information to RTAB-Map.
The robot uses the information from the odometer, the RGB-D camera and the laser rangefinder to perform SLAM in the designated environment through rtabmap
. The rtabmap
library produces map database files that can be read by its own visualization tools. Here is an image of the reconstructed kitchen dining environment:
The 2D Map represesntation of
The 3D Map representation through RTAB-Map's database viewer for custom world:
The 2D Map represesntation of
The project is developed with an intent of Door to Door robot delivery service for food or medical supplies. In future, such work could be a possible reality !!