Android application that allows you to find out interesting information about each Star Wars Character!
You will need Android Studio to download these files and upload to your phone or tablet as an .apk.
You will also need an Android phone/tablet/emulator that runs Android on your computer.
Download project as a zip file. Unzip files to your computer. Open Android Studio. Choose File/Open from the menu. Navigate to the project directory of this project. Click the app folder. Click Choose. After the project opens on your screen, click the RUN button and choose the device/emulator you would like to use to install the .apk.
- Volley - for REST calls and parsing JSON
- SWAPI API - for Star Wars data:
- Recyclerview/CardView - for scrolling (use of endless scrolling to load API data upon scroll)
- 9 patch image - for stretchable border
Added styles so that text changes size with bigger screen sizes like tablets. Use of ConstraintLayout so that it will work in any orientation. Added multiple resolution images for bigger screens like tables. When using a phone (smaller screen), recyclerview will show one item per column. When using a tablet (bigger screen), recyclerview will show two items per column.
Randy Perrone