Neovim plugin to detect macOS appearance change. I use it with themes and
other plugins that observe background
, like with Monokai NighTasty and some of the lualine.nvim themes.
There is a linking issue with Swift scripts on macOS Sonoma. The workaround requires the Xcode toolchain, sorry.
Install using your favourite Neovim package manager. What my lazy.nvim plugin config looks like:
return {
lazy = false, -- Make sure to load this plugin during startup
priority = 1000, -- Make sure to load this before all other start plugins
version = "0.x",
config = function()
require("nvim-aqua").setup {
change = function(value)
-- Note the comparison is done with a string not an integer
if value == "1" then
-- Light
vim.opt.background = "light"
-- Dark
vim.opt.background = "dark"
Or if you would like, you can use the light
and dark
return {
lazy = false, -- Make sure to load this plugin during startup
priority = 1000, -- Make sure to load this before all other start plugins
version = "0.x",
config = function()
require("nvim-aqua").setup {
light = function()
vim.opt.background = "light"
dark = function()
vim.opt.background = "dark"
The plugin includes a Swift script, observer.swift, designed to monitor macOS appearance changes.
The script is triggered under specific conditions (e.g., on
startup or during certain events) and outputs either 1
(light mode) or 0
(dark mode)
to standard output when changes are detected.
The Lua component of the plugin is responsible for launching the Swift script and employs a callback mechanism to handle the script's output. The callback function receives the value (1 or 0) and passes it to a user-defined function, allowing users to incorporate the information as needed.