- Install RKE2 =>1.25.7
- Nodes must have multiple NUMA nodes per CPU
- setenforce 0
- RKE2 Configuration Options:
- feature-gates=MemoryManager=true
- kube-reserved=cpu=400m,memory=2Gi
- system-reserved=cpu=400m,memory=2Gi
- memory-manager-policy=Static
- reserved-memory=0:memory=2Gi
- reserved-memory=1:memory=2Gi
- topology-manager-policy=single-numa-node
git clone https://github.com/rancherfederal/numa-topology-generic-device
cd numa-topology-generic-device
kubectl apply -k devicepluginA
kubectl get nodes -o yaml | grep -i deviceA -C 4
Next, we install the node-feature-discovery addon.
See more information: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery/tree/master
kubectl apply -k https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery/deployment/overlays/default?ref=v0.13.2
Verify it is up and running
kubectl -n node-feature-discovery get ds,deploy
Then the nfd-topology-updater.
kubectl apply -k https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery/deployment/overlays/topologyupdater?ref=v0.13.2
Verify the NFD Topology updater created the noderesourcetopology CRs
kubectl get noderesourcetopology.topology.node.k8s.io -o yaml
On each of the server nodes, copy the rke2.yaml to /etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf and replace the localhost ip with the primary ip of a master node.
cp /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml /etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
vi /etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
Apply the yamls to deploy the secondary scheduler.
cd noderesourcetopology/
kubectl apply -f cluster-role.yaml
kubectl apply -f crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f scheduler-configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy-scheduler.yaml
k apply -f example-test.yaml
Verify the resources are showing correctly in the noderesourcetopology
k get noderesourcetopology.topology.node.k8s.io -o yaml
you should see the output:
apiVersion: topology.node.k8s.io/v1alpha2
- name: topologyManagerPolicy
value: single-numa-node
- name: topologyManagerScope
value: container
kind: NodeResourceTopology
creationTimestamp: "2023-06-28T15:27:28Z"
generation: 23
name: ip-192-167-190-41.us-gov-west-1.compute.internal
resourceVersion: "13307"
uid: 245abaee-9f70-4918-875e-3f890f655d66
- SingleNUMANodeContainerLevel
- costs:
- name: node-0
value: 10
- name: node-1
value: 21
name: node-0
- allocatable: "265094635520"
available: "265094635520"
capacity: "267242119168"
name: memory
- allocatable: "10"
available: "7"
capacity: "10"
name: example.com/deviceA
type: Node
- costs:
- name: node-0
value: 21
- name: node-1
value: 10
name: node-1
- allocatable: "265474244608"
available: "265474244608"
capacity: "267621728256"
name: memory
- allocatable: "10"
available: "10"
capacity: "10"
name: example.com/deviceA
type: Node
The deployment requests 3 DeviceA
memory: 100Mi
example.com/deviceA: 3
memory: 100Mi
example.com/deviceA: 3
- allocatable: "10"
available: "7"
capacity: "10"
name: example.com/deviceA