This repository contains codes for the paper "Server-Driven Video Streaming for Deep Learning Inference", published at SIGCOMM ’20.
DDS is a video streaming system that permits aggressive compression/pruning of pixels not relevant to achieving high DNN inference accuracy. It advocates that the video streaming protocol should be driven by real-time feedback from the server-side DNN. DDS continuously sends a low-quality video stream to the server; the server runs the DNN to determine where to re-send with higher quality to increase the inference accuracy.
└── input : input videos for DDS
└── media
| ├── first_pass_input : processed video as input for first pass of DDS
| ├── frame_crops : crops of frames of objects required in second pass of DDS
| ├── processed_frames : processed frames used to compile input video for second pass of DDS
| ├── raw_files : raw files of input video
| ├── raw_frames : raw frames of input video
| ├── second_pass_input : processed video as input for second pass of DDS
└── results : results of yolov5 run on processed videos
└── yolov5 : yolov5 model
└── run.ipynb : DDS implementation (driver code)