Basically a sandboxed MS SQL Server Develop edition with Adventure Works 2017 demo data. I use this to deploy SQL Server in publicly accessible demos, where anyone would be free to tinker but shouldn't be able to wreak havoc So there has to be fairly restrictive rules / permissions in place
- change the environment variables in Dockerfile as you see fit.
- by default, SQL username for the service is diddle and password #Diddl3#
- User cannot change password. The trigger trg_alter_login ensures this does not happen (created in startup.sql)
- User can perform INSERT, UPDATE but NOT DELETE, along with some other permissions
- modify startup.sql to customise these permissions
- To run the SQL service:
docker run -p 1433:1433 -d chubbycat/sqlsrv2019sandbox /var/
- To debug, and enter shell
docker run -p 1433:1433 -ti chubbycat/sqlsrv2019sandbox /bin/sh