Source code of the app available for Android on Google Play, which aims to evaluate the connection of the local wifi network with the servers of some online games. More:
Made initially with Android Studio, the app was recently redone with React Native to better meet the needs and bugs found with the first version.
React Navigation: - Navigation between screens
RN Size Matters: - Adjust size of screen components
RN Firebase: - Ads and analytics
RN Localization": - Translate the app
RN Ping": - Execute the ping command and return the time of response
How it works?
The app connects your phone to specific servers in the main current games and checks the response time (ping) between your network and servers, telling you if you have lag before actually entering a match, avoiding all the stress.
How to use?
Connect to the same WiFi network as your PC, choose one of the games from the list, choose a server based on your location and click Start!
Which games are supported?
1 - League of Legends
2 - Fortnite
3 - Apex Legends
4 - PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds
5 - Counter Strike: Global Offensive
6 - Dota 2
Created for academic purposes, the App served as a way of learning the mobile development.