Still in development and not ready for production use.
Better Poi is an extension for Apache POI, a powerful library used for reading and writing Microsoft Office documents. This extension is designed to simplify the usage of Apache POI for handling Excel files.
- Simplifies reading Excel files with just one line of code.
- Supports reading both XLS and XLSX files.
- Supports custom validation for Excel files.
- Allows custom constraints for Excel cells, columns and rows.
- Provides pattern validation for Excel cells.
- Add exception handling
- Add multi thread support for large files
- Add support for CSV files
- Add column data type constraint
- Add error cell highlighting
- Add support for inserting Excel files into an existing Excel file
Define a class to represent the Excel file.
public class TestExcel {
private String col1;
private String col2;
private Double col3;
private String col4;
private String col5;
private String col6;
// Getters and setters
// ...
Define a Workbook class, annotate it with @BPWorkbook
, and implement the BPExcelWorkbook
public class TestWorkBook implements BPExcelWorkbook {
@BPSheet(sheetName = "Sheet1",
type = TestExcel.class, columns = {
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col1"),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col2", required = true),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col3"),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col4"),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col5"),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col6"),
List<TestExcel> testExcelList;
// Getters and setters
// ...
You can use predefined constraints for Excel cells, rows, and columns, or create your own by extending the relevant
class (RowConstraint
for rows, ColConstraint
for columns, and CellValidator
for cells).
public class TestWorkBook implements BPExcelWorkbook {
@BPSheet(sheetName = "Sheet1",
colValidators = {DefaultConstraint.class},
rowValidators = {DefaultConstraint.class},
type = TestExcel.class, columns = {
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col1", headerTitle = "Column 1", cellValidators = {DefaultConstraint.class}),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col2", headerTitle = "Column 2", required = true),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col3", headerTitle = "Column 3"),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col4", headerTitle = "Column 4", pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$"),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col5", headerTitle = "Column 5"),
@BPColumn(fieldName = "col6", headerTitle = "Column 6"),
List<TestExcel> testExcelList;
// Getters and setters
// ...
Read the Excel and get the corresponding workbook class.
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final BPImporter<TestWorkBook> bpImporter = new BPImporter<>(TestWorkBook.class, ExcelType.XLSX);
final InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(new File("/your_source/file.xlsx").toPath());
final TestWorkBook workbook = bpImporter.importExcel(inputStream);
// Alternatively, you can use a File or String Path to import the Excel file:
// final TestWorkBook workbook = bpImporter.importExcel(new File("/your_source/file.xlsx"));
// final TestWorkBook workbook = bpImporter.importExcel("/your_source/file.xlsx");
// Excel is now ready to be used as a Java object.
List<TestExcel> testExcelList = workbook.getTestExcelList();
Export Excel file from a list of objects.
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final TestWorkBook workbook = new TestWorkBook();
// Assume that you have a list of TestExcel objects
workbook.setTestExcelList(new ArrayList<>());
final BPExporter bpExporter = new BPExporter(workbook);
bpExporter.exportExcel(new File("/your_destination/file.xlsx"));