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Schools theme

Schools is a free fully responsive diazo theme for Plone.


Schools Plone Theme Screenshot


In the buildout.cfg file of your instance:

  • Add quintagroup.theme.schools to the list of eggs to install, e.g.:

    eggs =
  • Re-run buildout:

    $ ./bin/buildout
  • Restart the Zope server:

    $ ./bin/instance restart

Then activate 'Schools Theme' in Plone (Site Setup -> Add-ons).

For more detailed instructions see docs/INSTALL.rst file.


Responsive Web Design

Schools is a fully responsive theme that allows for easy viewing on mobile devices and tablets. The website will start to automatically resize and reposition the content to accommodate the different device screen sizes.

Customizable logo

Schools diazo theme comes with default Plone logo. You can replace it with your own as you would do it in default Plone: in ZMI customize portal_skins -> sunburst_images -> logo.png.

Configurable left/right column width

Go to Site Setup -> Theming, open Advanced settings tab. In Parameter expressions textarea change the columnonewidth or/and columntwowidth parameters values respectively.

Improved thumbnail display view

To see the changes go to Display drop-down menu and click on Thumbnail view.

Top image

The theme allows you to replace header image for the whole site or site sections. To have new top image, add image with topimage shortname into desirable location on site. Default image size is 993*107px.

In case you upload higher image, it will not be completely displayed. To change it go to Site Setup -> Theming, open Advanced settings tab. In Parameter expressions textarea set the logo_min_height parameter value from 107 with a new header height.

Top portlet

Right top area is reserved for a portlet. The first portlet from right column is displayed there.

Theme Colors

You can change links colors: links_color, hover_links_color, and visited_links_color. For this, go to Site Setup -> Theming -> Advanced settings tab. In Parameter expressions textarea change the 'links_color' or/and 'hover_links_color' or/and 'visited_links_color' parameters values respectively.

Carousel Banner

Rotating banners can be added in case you install Products.Carousel add-on. Custom Carousel display style applies automatically to carousel banner.

To create a banner on the front page, go to the Carousel tab in the task bar. Set carousel options and select Carousel Banner from Add new... drop-down menu. Upload image that will be used as one rotating banner, type its title and text (will be displayed under the image), and provide web address, image title will be linked to. Add as many carousel banners as you need.

Recommended image dimensions are 397*288px. There are 4 demo images that might be used as demo banners - see src folder within theme package (quintagroup -> theme -> schools).

Editable Slogan

Schools Theme uses customizable slogan. To change it, go to Site Setup -> Theming -> Advanced Settings tab. In Parameter expressions textarea change Free Theme for Plone slogan in slogan line.

If you need your slogan to be displayed in non-ASCII characters, go to Site Setup -> Theming, open Advanced settings tab. In Parameter expressions change the following field

slogan = string:Free Theme for Plone


slogan = python:path('context/slogan|string:').decode('utf-8', 'ignore')

and in Site Setup -> Zope Management Interface settings -> Properties tab add a new property slogan, type string, value your slogan and save.

Editable footer

Customize: portal_view_customizations -> plone.footer.

Supported Add-Ons

Additional features can be activated:

  • Products.Carousel
    Adds rotating Carousel banner feature. Adjusted stylings to Carousel
  • Products.ContentWellPortlets
    Allows adding portlets in the header, footer and content area.
  • Products.PloneFormGen
    Adds TTW Form Generator feature.
  • quintagroup.dropdownmenu
    Adds adjusted styling to drop-down menu.
  • Products.LinguaPlone
    Adds multilingual functionality with adjusted styling for language selectors.
  • quintagroup.slidertemplates
    Enhanced Responsive Views for NG Collection Portlet (Carousel, Shelf, Tabs)
  • quintagroup.megamenu
    Clean and professional fully responsive Mega Menu solution for Plone. This product allows Plone website to display panel added to portal top as drop-down menu for navigation tabs.




Theme was tested with:

  • Plone 4.3
  • 1.1b2
  • Products.Carousel 2.2.1
  • Products.ContentWellPortlets 4.2.1
  • Products.PloneFormGen 1.7.6
  • quintagroup.dropdownmenu 1.2.11
  • Products.LinguaPlone 4.1.3
  • quintagroup.megamenu 1.2
  • quintagroup.megamenu 1.3
  • quintagroup.slidertemplates 1.0

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  • Yuriy Hvozdovych
  • Taras Peretiatko
  • Volodymyr Rudnytskyy
  • Serhiy Valchuk

Quintagroup:, 2016