WARN: Project is in early stage and API is subject to change.
Table of Contents
QDI - is ceylon cross-platform dependency injection library (not framework). It highly-use ceylon meta-model for intantiating objects. Its very lightweight: no complex container staff. Follows one way - instantiate objects without direct passing it's dependencies.
- use ceylon meta-model to intantiate objects, thus - crossplatform (jvm/js)
- fluent
interface (and immutable by default) -
at every step is a new immutable registry. - you can combine multiple registries
- support resolving union/intersection dependencies, type-variance dependencies
- support instantiating direct-dependeices (non-interfaces) without registration (thanks to ceylon-meta-model)
- cache instances by default
- use decorators as some sort of AOP.
TODO: organize this part
- only constructor dependency injection support
I beleive that other DI technics (setters, interfaces) bad:
- setters embrace mutability and partial construction -
- interfaces embrace coupling (when you forced to implement such interfaces only for lib),
- no any annotation support
- they produce coupling. If you in some moment will dislike my lib - you can remove it with a little pain as possible.
- replace library with your own code (or back) very easy.
- only one interface registration at same time.
TODO: write more or delete. PicoContainer
- Oracle/OpenJDK 8
- Ceylon SDK 1.3.3
- ant 1.9 >
git clone https://github.com/qdzo/qdi && cd qdi
ant install
import com.github.qdzo.qdi { newRegistry }
shared void run() {
value registry = newRegistry {
value app = registry.getInstance(`App`);
- newRegistry creates new immutable registry.
- discover and register interace/class hierarhy of every given classes.
will find and instantiate given class and all its dependencies
You can extract common part in function and then use it for different configurations:
Registy commonRegistry = newRegistry {
shared void runTest() {
value registry = commonRegistry.register(`FakePersonDao`);
value app = registry.getInstance(`App`);
shared void runProd() {
value registry = commonRegistry.register(`MongoPersonDao`);
value app = registry.getInstance(`App`);
You can use these methods at once - every registry is separated and creates it's own instances. They don't collide
shared void run() {
value testRegistry = commonRegistry.register(`FakePersonDao`);
value prodRegistry = commonRegistry.register(`MongoPersonDao`);
value testApp = testRegistry.getInstance(`App`);
value prodApp = prodRegistry.getInstance(`App`);
You can also register instances, not classes
shared void run() {
value registry = newRegistry { FakePersonDao("personCollection"), `App`}
value app = registry.getInstance(`App`);
/QDI/ supports registering decorators for interfaces and wrap needed instances with them.
Enhancer is class which should follow 2 rules:
- Decorator should satisfy the same interface that it wrapped.
- Decorator should take at least one constructor parameter with same interface.
You can combine multiple enhancers for.
Enhancer registration-record is tuple:
[WrappedInterface, 'list of enhancers']
Simple logger enhancer:
interface MailService {
shared formal void send(Email email);
// main service class
class FakeMailService() satisfies MailService {
shared actual void send(Email email) {
print("FakeMailService send email \"``email``\"");
// logger decorator
class MailServiceLoggerDecorator(MailService service)
satisfies MailService {
shared actual void send(Email email) {
log.info("start sending email: \"``email``\"");
log.info("sending email success");
shared void run() {
value registry = newRegistry {
components = { `FakeMailService` };
enhancers = { [`MailService`, `MailServiceLoggerDecorator`] };
value mailSender = registry.getInstance(`MailService`);
/* will prints:
start sending email: "HELLO"
FakeMailService send email \"HELLO\"
sending email success
- described and registered
class. - registered
enhancer for interfaceMailService
- when
requested -FakeMailService
will be created and wrapped withMailServiceLoggerDecorator
You can register direct parameters for classes. parameter registration-record is tuple:
[RegisteredClass, parameterName, value]
TODO add examples here
see tests for more examples
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.