Brand Logo Detection Using YOLOv3
Source: Flickr Logos 27
Consists of 27 brands: Adidas, Apple, BMW, Citroen, Coca Cola, DHL, Fedex, Ferrari, Ford, Google, Heineken, HP, McDonalds, Mini, Nbc, Nike, Pepsi, Porsche, Puma, Red Bull, Sprite, Starbucks, Intel, Texaco, Unisef, Vodafone, and Yahoo
Construct a RESTful API using Flask library for Python 3 for 2 weights: YOLOv3 (default weight) and YOLOGO (brand logo weight)
Protocol: POST
YOLOv3 address:
YOLOGO address:
Structure: multipart-form with field file to save the request image
Return a JSON file, if the image is valid then return class, bounding box, and confident of objects
Input: curl -F [email protected] [HOST]:8080/model_1
{"bbox":{"h":328,"w":179,"x":134,"y":214}, "class":"dog","conf":0.9993382096290588},
{"bbox":{"h":324,"w":490,"x":99,"y":124}, "class":"bicycle","conf":0.993359386920929},